
Mobile apps have become one of the most important aspects of the human world. People spend most of their time on different mobile apps whether they are related to social media or something informational. So, this growing interest of people in mobile apps is anyhow deciding the future of mobile app development.

It is mandatory to mention here that the success of mobile app development is based on an accurate selection of the technology on which you build a particular mobile app. And this is one of the most challenging tasks to choose the right one technology for mobile app development.

Keeping these kinds of challenges and confusions into consideration regarding the selection of technology or technical language, I am in this piece of article sharing some information on the future of mobile app development with React Native.

Well, before taking a deep dive into the thorough information related to the future of mobile app development with React Native, we will have a look at the position of React native in mobile app development according to some stats.

According to StackOverflow, “React Native is popular now. It is a sophisticated tool with a vast community of developers helping each other to create better mobile apps. Here you can see the React Native search trend on Google.”



Why Choose React Native for Mobile App Development?

Here are the top reasons to choose React Native for Mobile App Development. Let’s have a look:

1. Cross-platform compatibility


First of all, React Native came into light just for iOS but with the passage of time, after exploring its other features, it was decided by Facebook that it should be introduced for android also. And from that time, most of the APIs could be seen in Cross-platform which shows that developers are able to work both on Android and iOS apps with the help of React Native.

Here, you are just required to come into contact with Javascript developers who are capable in native UI library, APIs, as well as hybrid mobile app development. There is no need to make use of languages like JAVA, Swift, C+.

In addition to that, you are allowed to embed the native code even without wasting much time and money on development costs. In this way, you can prove the authenticity of the app.

2. Budget-friendly development


Money plays a huge role whenever you start some business. This is a matter of concern for every startup to gain fast returns in order to survive and establish their brand in the tech market. So, being a start-up, you are required to remain active in order to keep their name in the market for a longer time.

If you hire React Native developer, it will help to save your time and money when you choose Reactive Native for mobile app development.

3. Easy to Learn

There is no doubt that React Native is such a readable and easy language to learn as it is based on language fundamentals. This language is really helpful for developers who are new to JavaScript because it offers a number of features, components consist of maps and filters.

4. Android and iOS code make things easier

You are just required to make use of the basic level of programming which uses the same code for both OS. It means you can deploy the same app to all mobile operating systems. So when you do not change the framework, it becomes easy to recompile the framework. The whole module is written in such a language that it can be linked with a react native mobile app developer.

5. Third-party plugin support


The React Native framework is still advancing, so it might lack some components in the core framework. To fill this gap, React Native provides two types of third-party plugins: native modules and javascript.

With the help of React Native, you can link any plugin with a native or third-party module in case you are required to add Google Maps or Google calendars to your basic app functionality. React native Selectmen, React Native Vector Icons, React Native Router Flux, React Native Gifted Spinner, React Native Modalbox, and React Native Drawer are some of the most prominent third-party React Native plugins.

6. Open-source libraries

It is such a difficult task to have knowledge of several tasks for a mobile engineer as it requires much time, and effort. But with the help of React Native libraries, you can get knowledge and a good understanding of three platforms in order to run successfully. It is true that mobile engineers should be having knowledge of multiple platforms otherwise it will lead to a lack of knowledge.

7. Faster Development Cycle

React Native is really beneficial for developers to do faster development. Developers have started making use of it and have made it their priority in a shorter span of time. React Native is an open-source framework of Javascript that is why it is having various components that could be used locally. This is the reason behind how developers can do faster development with at least 30% shorter development time.

8. Instant Live Updates

Live updates are one of the most important advantages of using React Native framework. Developers can provide the feature of live updates on the user’s phones directly by making use of Javascript. There is no need for going through the app store update cycle.

In this way, users can fully enjoy the updated version of the app and there is no need to worry about the older version. Apart from that, React Native is highly beneficial to make the procedure streamlined as well as easier.

Final words

So, we have seen the advantages of React Native which is an open-source cross-platform mobile app development. Now you are required to enjoy its features. You can hire React Native developers who can develop a cross-platform, multi-dimensional mobile app.

You can also explore other React Native features in case you find this information a little less. After satisfying your research, you can contact the best mobile app development company in order to develop a cross-platform app.