Today we start to share with you the most exciting and noticeable Svelte community's content. Welcome to the article, comrades!
Why I Enjoy Svelte
Чему я научился, написав библиотеку компонентов на Svelte
Svelte — a recipe for a successful framework?
Svelte – 2020’s Hot New Frontend Framework
Optimistic, Offline-First Apps with Svelte and Amplify DataStore
Getting Started with Readable & Writable Stores in Svelte
Setup Phoenix with Svelte+Rollup
How to Create a Package for Svelte
Audio / video
Why Bloomberg Choose Svelte and Sapper for many Graphics Projects — Julian Burgess
Learning Svelte for the first time live code
Svelte — Event dispatching (this is useful!)
React vs Svelte comparison: AJAX
KDS2020 — Svelte: Small, fast and fun frond-ends — Eirik Vageskar
Стоит ли делать ставку на Svelte?
Client-side (SPA) routing in Svelte
Svelte: Первый взгляд (Александр Шушунов)
Thanks for reading! Follow us on telegram: In Svelte We Trust.
Feel free to send us anything you'd like to share and see in the next digest.?