Ребята из FPGA комунити каждый день делают небольшую подборку новостей из мира FPGA и решили поделиться ею с читателями хаба FPGA. Внимание: возможны повторы!
Свежие отечественные статьи
Программируемая логика (ПЛИС / FPGA) - проект Лига лекторов - Коробков М.А.
Собираем компилятор для ПЛИС Lattice ECP5 в лице Yosys и NextPNR для работы в ОС Windows
Что видит на своем экране проектировщик айфона в Купертино, Калифорния
“FPGA наизнанку” — мультфильм про вычисление CRC и parallel CRC
How FPGA technology will propel the electric vehicle industry
The Future of Embedded FPGAs — eFPGA: The Proof is in the Tape Out - Circuit Cellar
Diving into FPGA Gaming with the MiSTer Multisystem Console - AI EXPRESS
Design a 4bit Gray counter using Verilog - OvisignVideo: APA7-500 Series: User Configurable FPGA I/O Modules | Acromag
Introduction to FPGA Part 12 - RISC-V Custom Peripheral | Digi-Key Electronics - YouTube
DLP Discovery™ D4100 Development Kit | Digital Light Innovation
How to Design SmartNICs Using FPGAs to Increase Server Compute Capacity
CAES and Lattice partner for in-orbit reconfigurability in space of FPGAs - Embedded.com
TinyML Strikes Out to Improve Memory Performance and Ease FPGA Design - News
Controller Area Network (CAN) Protocol Debugging | Prodigy Technovations
Software Machine Vision Engineers - Adaptive Vision Studio 5.1 - Recab
PLC2 announces Premier Design Partnership with Xilinx | LinkedIn
Netnod goes live with Arista FPGA implementation of Network Time Security (NTS) | Netnod
CRNCH Summit | Center for Research into Novel Computing Hierarchies (CRNCH)
Application of Wi-Fi Communication Between FPGA and Microcontroller
DC-SCM compatible open source BMC hardware platform - Zephyr Project
eFPGA Saved Us Millions of Dollars. It Can Do the Same for You
How to Easily Migrate From Xilinx® Spartan®-6 Devices to Microchip FPGAs
GOWIN Semiconductor - USB 2.0 PHY & Device Controller IP Certification Webinar
Intel, hardware vendors working on a high-performance network card | Network World
Multi-hetero Acceleration by GPU and FPGA for Astrophysics Simulation on oneAPI Environment
CHIPS Alliance Announces Xilinx as its Newest Member - Chips Alliance
Potential FPGA Security Concerns and Solutions to Address Them
Mastering the Migration Journey from Spartan-6 FPGAs to 7 Series and Beyond
What is the difference between a Node-locked and a Floating License? – Achronix
5 reasons to buy the XpressGXS10L FH201GT FPGA board by REFLEX CES - YouTube
Diagnostic Imaging and Medical Devices with XILINX FPGA and MPSoC System on Modules
Prototype and Adjust a Deep Learning Network on FPGA Video - MATLAB & Simulink
Building Multipurpose Systems With Dynamic Function Exchange
Getting Started With Digilent Cmod S7 FPGA And Xilinx Vivado 2021.2 - YouTube
Xilinx Works From The Edge Towards Datacenters With Versal FPGA Hybrids
Introducing the VCK5000 Versal™ Development Card for Superior AI Inference
Verification engineers: framework for efficient execution of any task - Let's Start Learning
How to estimate and why no one taught us how to do it - Let's Start Learning
eFPGA Saved Us Millions of Dollars. It Can Do the Same for You
Iterative Design Approach of ML Accelerators FPGA-based RISC-V Core
Netnod goes live with Arista FPGA implementation of Network Time Security (NTS) | Netnod
Intel Agilex Processor Efficiently Processes 8K/60p Video - 8K Association
Simulating and downloading a PIC circuit to Intel FPGA boards using TINA - YouTube