Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php. It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM. There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.




Full Coroutine Framework

Swoft is first PHP resident in memory annotation framework, with Spring Boot conventions larger than the configuration design concept, with a set of development specifications.


AOP is a object oriented programming that makes it easier to decouple business code, improve code quality, and increase code reusability.

 * @Aspect(order=1)
 * @PointBean(include={"App\Http\Controller\TestExecTimeController"})
class CalcExecTimeAspect
    protected $start;

     * @Before()
    public function before()
        $this->start = microtime(true);

     * @After()
    public function after(JoinPoint $joinPoint)
        $method = $joinPoint->getMethod();
        $after = microtime(true);
        $runtime = ($after - $this->start) * 1000;

        echo "{$method} cost: {$runtime}ms\n";

Http Service

Http service is simple and flexible,only to use @Controller() and @RequestMapping(route="index") annotations to define service?

 * @Controller()
class IndexController
     * @RequestMapping(route="index")
    public function index(): string
        return "test";

Websocket service

Swoft provides a complete Websocket for developers to quickly build service

 * @WsModule(
 *     "/chat",
 *     messageParser=TokenTextParser::class,
 *     controllers={HomeController::class}
 * )
class ChatModule
     * @OnOpen()
     * @param Request $request
     * @param int     $fd
    public function onOpen(Request $request, int $fd): void
        server()->push($request->getFd(), "Opened, welcome!(FD: $fd)");

RPC Service

Swoft RPC can be called like a native function as Dubbo.

 * @Controller()
class RpcController
     * @Reference(pool="user.pool", version="1.0")
     * @var UserInterface
    private $userService;

     * @RequestMapping("getList")
     * @return array
    public function getList(): array
        $result  = $this->userService->getList(12, 'type');
        return [$result];

TCP Service

Swoft also provides feature-rich TCP service support.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Tcp\Controller;

use Swoft\Tcp\Server\Annotation\Mapping\TcpController;
use Swoft\Tcp\Server\Annotation\Mapping\TcpMapping;
use Swoft\Tcp\Server\Request;
use Swoft\Tcp\Server\Response;

 * Class DemoController
 * @TcpController()
class DemoController
     * @TcpMapping("echo", root=true)
     * @param Request  $request
     * @param Response $response
    public function echo(Request $request, Response $response): void
        // $str = $request->getRawData();
        $str = $request->getPackage()->getDataString();

        $response->setData('[echo]hi, we received your message: ' . $str);

Connection pool

Swoft is simple to define a high-performance connection pool with like this:

return [
    'xxx.pool' => [
        'class'       => \Swoft\xxx\Pool::class,
        'minActive'   => 10,
        'maxActive'   => 20,
        'maxWait'     => 0,
        'maxWaitTime' => 0,
        'maxIdleTime' => 60,

Compatible with Laravel ORM

Swoft database is highly compatible with Laravel ORM, It's easy for PHP developer to use in Swoft.

// Model
$user = User::new();
$user->setDesc('this my desc');
$user->setAge(mt_rand(1, 100));
$id = $user->getId();

// Query
$users = DB::table('user')->get();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    echo $user->name;

// Transaction
$user = User::find($id);
$user->update(['name' => $id]);




Swoft provides a set of quick build microservice governance components, it's easy for developers to use.

  • Service Registration and Discovery
  • Service Broker
  • Centralized Configuration
  • Service Throttling ability

 * @Bean()
class Test
     * @Breaker(fallback="funcFallback")
     * @return string
     * @throws Exception
    public function func(): string
        // Do something

        throw new Exception('Breaker exception');

     * @RequestMapping()
     * @RateLimiter(key="request.getUriPath()")
     * @param Request $request
     * @return array
    public function requestLimiter(Request $request): array
        $uri = $request->getUriPath();
        return ['requestLimiter', $uri];




Комментарии (5)

  1. trawl
    15.08.2019 12:54

    I am sorry, but what это делает в Russian разделе?

    1. stelin Автор
      15.08.2019 13:01

      It ok!

      1. pda0
        15.08.2019 13:24

        MGIMO finished?

        1. stelin Автор
          15.08.2019 14:09

          What is MGIMO?

  1. asvechkar
    16.08.2019 13:08

    — How much watch?
    — One watch.
    — Such much?
    — For whom how.
    — Petegorsk inyaz?
    — Ask.