A hot topic in recent years is that whether PHP is losing its leading positon or even going to its end. After all, many internet companies are making a trial on other languages. There are laguanges which draw our attention greatly. Golang is well known for the coroutine. Java is best for the perfect ecological system. And python is skilled in computing and artifical intelligence. But surely, PHP won't go to its grave. And we will analyse it in the below schedules.

  • The development of PHP
  • The various framework of PHP
  • The packagist of PHP

The development of PHP

PHP is always keeping its way forward. Many excellent programers devote themself to the development of PHP itself. As a result, new version of PHP is released almost every year. The version of 7.3 is released in 2018, and the 7.4 will meet with us at the end of the 2019.

The development of PHP is amazing. In the 7.0, the kernel of PHP is reconstructed. And the performance of PHP is boosted by 2-3 times as the new zend engine is added.

The various framework of PHP

Whether a language is strong enough or not is closely related to the framework of it. There are frameworks, such as Laravel and Yii, which are favorite by the developers for so many years and so many projects. Meanwhile, the Swoft attracts our attention and motives us to study about it, though a new framework for just several years.


Laravel is a PHP based web-framework for building high-end web applications using its significant and graceful syntaxes. It comes with a strong collection of tools and provides application architecture. Moreover, it includes various characteristics of technologies like ASP.NET MVC, CodeIgniter, Ruby on Rails and lot more. This framework is open source framework. It facilitates developers by saving huge time and helps reduce the thinking and planning to develop the entire website from scratch. Along with that security of the application is also Laravel take care of. Hence all its features can boost the web development pace for you. If anyone is familiar with the basics of PHP along with some intermediate PHP scripting, then Laravel can craft your work more easily.

Resources for learning:

  • Laravel 5.4 from Scratch (Laracasts)
  • Build a task list with Laravel and Vue


Yii is a generic Web programming framework, meaning that it can be used for developing all kinds of Web applications using PHP. Because of its component-based architecture and sophisticated caching support, it is especially suitable for developing large-scale applications such as portals, forums, content management systems (CMS), e-commerce projects, RESTful Web services, and so on.


Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php. It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM. There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.


One way to find out whether the PHP is still being loved by the industry is looking into its ecological system: the packagist. As the below figure shows, the number of packagist for the PHP
has mushroomed with index growth pattern. By now, the number of packagist has reached 223,217 and the total install number is around 14,827,204,847. The ecological system of PHP is resconstructing faster and faster.


In Conclusion, PHP won't step into its grave. You should take a look at it, and then think about it carefully.

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