Comparing script languages to C++ is a rare thing, because these languages are very different and serve different purposes. But when I needed to learn Javascript, while already knowing C++, I really needed a simple comparison table for an easier start. I did not find such comparison, so I created it. I hope this comparison table is useful for developers, which already have experience in some of the following languages, and are learning one of these languages.

You can find more details and examples in the following articles:

Feature C++ Python Javascript
Type statically typed strongly dynamically typed (variables cannot be implicitly coerced to unrelated types) weakly dynamically typed (variables can be implicitly coerced to unrelated types)
Type coercion Numeric Numeric, container to bool Numeric, strings, objects etc. (disabled with ===)
Immutability All objects are mutable if const is not used. Const object is immutable if it has no mutable members and const_cast is not used. Immutable: int, float, complex, string, tuple, frozen set, bytes. Mutable: list, dict, set, byte array. Immutable: string, number, boolean. Mutable: objects and arrays.
Variable declarations require initial values do not require require do not require
Local variable declaration int x = 1 x = 1 let x = 1
Global variable declaration from local scope impossible global x, and then x = 1 x = 1
Primitive numeric data types int and uint up to 64 bit. float up to 64 bit. int with unlimited precision. float up to 64 bit. int stored as 64 bit float (up to 54 bit without precision loss).
Nothing Only with std::optional None null
Undefined (uninitialized) variables Variable can be undefined if not initialized, but it will return random value if used, instead of 'undefined'. All variables are initialized — so there are no undefined variables. undefined
Declarations are hoisted no no hoisted
Hash tables std::unordered_map dict, defaultdict Object and Map
Array of different-typed elements No default list array
Assignment expression (returns value) statement (does not return value) expression (returns value)
Function declaration statement (does not return value) statement (does not return value) expression (returns value)
Lambda functions Yes Cannot contain statements, only expressions. Do not create their own scope. Cannot raise or catch exceptions, have if blocks or loops. Cannot have multiple return points Function assignment. Arrow functions.
Named arguments of function No Yes Using destructuring: function f({x, y} = {x:1, y:2}) {}
Missing/extra parameters in a function call Will not compile Exception Missing parameters get value of 'undefined'. Extra parameters get into 'arguments' object.
Generator functions (yield output) no yes yes
Coroutines (yield output and input) no yes yes
File scope Files do not have their own scope, but you can use static and unnamed namespace to create one: namespace { a = 1; } Files have their own scope Files do not have their own scope, but you can create separate scope with anonymous function: (function(){ let a=1; })(); or !function(){ let a=1; }();
Namespace creation namespace, class, function, block function, class, module function
Can call constructor or method without instantiating an object no C.f(o) (have to pass some object instead of self) С.prototype.f();
Accessing object members member self.member this.member
Can attach function to an object method no obj.f = f.__get__(obj) o.func = function() {};
Multiple inheritance yes yes no
Performance Highest Lower Medium
Concurrent multithreading Full — can use all processor cores Limited (threading module is not concurrent if you cannot release GIL with i/o operation or external code, multiprocessing module uses processes instead of threads, Twisted uses event model) Full (web workers and worker threads) — can use all processor cores

Комментарии (4)

  1. VaskivskyiYe
    18.12.2019 22:02

    Why these languages? Where at least some details? Or that's just to make people visit your web page?

    1. Rualark Автор
      19.12.2019 01:07

      Hi. I added a link for details and answered your question about languages below.
      By the way, I did not know that my web page was showing below. Not sure if it is much needed here :)

  1. jknight
    18.12.2019 22:41

    Comparing C++/Rust/Go would make a bit of sense. Comparing Javascript to other scripting/web languages (Python/PHP) would make some sense too.
    Comparing enterprise languages like Java/C# would make it too.
    Comparing SQL dialects from different database servers would be good to read as well.
    Comparing functional languages like Haskell/Scala/F# is okay to me as well.
    Comparing C/C++/Python/Pascal/Scheme/Scratch/… from the viewpoint of being a first language to learn is great!

    Comparing C++/Python/Javascript as they are feels like comparing a cat to a building.

    1. Rualark Автор
      19.12.2019 01:06

      Hi. I think the comparisons you mentioned are more easy to find. But when I needed to compare these three languages, I did not find it, so I created the comparison. Hope that it helps those who need it like me.