MessageBox — useful window for different GUI frameworks, but you can't find it in AvaloniaUI.
Let's try to do it.
Solution, which I wanna improve and support, you can find on nuget and on gitlab. It'll be glad, if somebody bring new ideas with his/her pull requests.
I wanna create my lib as easy and useful as WPF's messagebox is.
Call this method:
and get window with header, content(text) and two buttons. (Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04)
Class MessageBox contains public 4 methods:
ShowForResult — return result of button's click.
ShowDialog — return result of button's click and set this window as dialog window for chosen parent.
Show — show window with one «ok» button, which ignore result of click (return void).
ShowNative — try to call native window for platform, if failed, call ShowForResult.
In every method create window,
and set content for each.
Content is a grid, which include rows, one for textbox:
other for grid with buttons:
The functionality of the buttons is given by the method:
The method accepts a window which be manipulated by buttons, and result returned by them.
And, the last thing to consider is a code fragment that provides the result of a button click:
As a result, we get simple windows with buttons, which will allow us to create cross-platform MessageBox.
Grateful for user worldbeater.
Let's try to do it.
Solution, which I wanna improve and support, you can find on nuget and on gitlab. It'll be glad, if somebody bring new ideas with his/her pull requests.
I wanna create my lib as easy and useful as WPF's messagebox is.
Let's start
Call this method:
MessageBox.ShowForResult("test","Wanna test smth?",MessageBox.MessageBoxButtons.OkCancel);
and get window with header, content(text) and two buttons. (Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04)
Class MessageBox contains public 4 methods:
ShowForResult — return result of button's click.
ShowDialog — return result of button's click and set this window as dialog window for chosen parent.
Show — show window with one «ok» button, which ignore result of click (return void).
ShowNative — try to call native window for platform, if failed, call ShowForResult.
How it works:
In every method create window,
var messageBox = new MessageBox();
and set content for each.
messageBox.Content = CreateBaseMsgBox(text, buttons, messageBox);
Content is a grid, which include rows, one for textbox:
var textBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.Text = text;
textBlock.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;
textBlock.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
other for grid with buttons:
var btnGrid = GetButtonGrid(GetButton(window, MessageBoxResult.Yes),
Full listing for GetButtonGrid.
private static Grid GetButtonGrid(params Button[] buttons)
var grid = new Grid();
List<ColumnDefinition> definitions = new List<ColumnDefinition>();
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
definitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition{Width = new GridLength(5)});
definitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition{Width = new GridLength(1,GridUnitType.Star)});
definitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition{Width = new GridLength(5)});
var j = 1;
foreach (var btn in buttons)
j += 2;
return grid;
The functionality of the buttons is given by the method:
GetButton(MessageBox window,MessageBoxResult result)
Read more
private static Button GetButton(MessageBox window,MessageBoxResult result)
var btn = new Button();
btn.Content = result.ToString();
btn.Click += (_, __) =>
window.Res = result;
return btn;
The method accepts a window which be manipulated by buttons, and result returned by them.
And, the last thing to consider is a code fragment that provides the result of a button click:
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<MessageBoxResult>();
messageBox.Closed += delegate { tcs.TrySetResult(messageBox.Res); };
return tcs.Task;
As a result, we get simple windows with buttons, which will allow us to create cross-platform MessageBox.
Grateful for user worldbeater.
Комментарии (7)
02.06.2019 13:52
It seems to me that the Windows Message box contains excess buttons
. Is it possible to get rid of them?Larymar Автор
02.06.2019 14:30I think only in future updates, couse i can't do it by avalonia and need to call win api, as real it's strange: in Linux i haven't max button, but in win that's one
04.06.2019 15:57I've developed the similar control inside another project, but maybe your code is better and has more features.
First of all — nice work!
There is also another package for MessageBox — StarDebris.Avalonia.MessageBox:
Although this one is a bit outdated. I thought to use it in my personal project but after all I've rejected to go this way and wrote code that fitted my requirement by myself.
If you don't mind I ask some questions:
definitely not cleanest API.
You pass title to the CreateWindow but ignore this parameter at all there. And so on.
Larymar Автор
1) about xaml, it was my research and i never create nuget package before. Now I wanna (in proccees) rebuild (redisine) all with using styles, xaml, and users controls
2) I start working with gitlab, because some years ago githab has no private repos, okey mb i move here
3) about api, ty, i'll improve article
To be honest I don't see how it's related. Good luck, anyway.
Although if you interested in additional research I suggest you try to implement it with F#.
Larymar Автор
yet, some hours ago i read ur article, so cool, like it, but hadn't enough carma to like it)