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freeCodeCamp — лучший и при этом бесплатный канал для самообучения программированию. Многие платные школы просто делают «рерайт» их программ и продают за 100К руб.

850 000 просмотров
2,5 часа
курс для начинающих 2019 года

(0:00:50) Create Your First Kotlin Project
(0:04:23) Hello World
(0:06:33) Working With Variables
(0:11:04) Type System
(0:15:00) Basic Control Flow
(0:21:31) Basic Kotlin Functions
(0:27:12) Function Parameters
(0:32:52) Arrays
(0:35:28) Iterating with forEach
(0:41:17) Lists
(0:42:47) Maps
(0:45:05) Mutable vs Immutable Collections
(0:49:24) Vararg Parameters
(0:54:21) Named Arguments
(0:56:26) Default Parameter Values
(1:00:27) Create A Simple Class
(1:03:35) Adding Class Properties
(1:05:15) Class Init Block
(1:06:40) Accessing Class Properties
(1:07:32) Primary Constructor Properties
(1:08:17) Secondary Constructors
(1:09:50) Working With Multiple Init Blocks
(1:11:30) Default Property Values
(1:11:59) Properties With Custom Getters/Setters
(1:16:52) Class Methods
(1:20:12) Visibility Modifiers — Public/Private/Protected/Public
(1:22:30) Interfaces
(1:24:21) Abstract Classes
(1:26:13) Implementing An Interface
(1:26:35) Overriding Methods
(1:28:30) Default Interface Methods
(1:29:30) Interface Properties
(1:31:40) Implementing Multiple Interfaces
(1:32:57) Type Checking And Smart Casts
(1:36:18) Inheritance
(1:43:07) Object Expressions
(1:45:06) Companion Objects
(1:49:51) Object Declarations
(1:52:41) Enum Classes
(1:58:16) Sealed Classes
(2:00:07) Data Classes
(2:12:25) Extension Functions/Properties
(2:16:40) Higher-Order Functions
(2:29:07) Using The Kotlin Standard Library
(2:00:07) Data Classes

210 000 просмотров
3,5 часа
Создаем нативное приложение под Adroid, 2019 год

(0:00) Introduction

(5:14) Model View ViewModel (MVVM) Architecture fundamentals and variations
(5:38) Is MVVM the perfect architecture?
(7:41) Overview of MVVM with whiteboard example
(12:11) Pros and Cons of MVVM
(18:58) Package structure

(23:22) How to create Vector Drawables
(24:22) Difference between Raster (PNG, JPG, BMP) and Vector (SVG) Images?
(27:55) Uh Oh!
(28:41) How to use Inkscape to create an SVG from a BMP/PNG
(30:07) How to convert an SVG into an Android Studio Vector Asset
(32:29) How to create simple animations using animation lists and fade animations

(38:19) Material Design User Interface using ConstraintLayout and Styles
(41:00) Building an XML Layout using ConstraintLayout
(51:09) Using ConstraintLayout Chains
(55:43) Some tips on using Styles to create a material design look

(56:51) How to use (and when not to use) the Android Navigation Component from Android Jetpack
(1:00:00) Adding Safe Args to gradle
(1:01:15) Building a Navigation Graph using the Navigation Editor (XML)
(1:11:00) Creating a NavHostFragment to host the Navigation Component and adding it to an Activity
(1:15:29) How to actually change destinations in our Fragments using the Navigation Component (with safe args)

(1:20:00) Setting up Fragments as Views in MVVM using Kotlin Synthetic Properties
(1:25:32) Starting point
(1:27:54) Importing an XML layout to an Activity/Fragment using Kotlin Synthetic Properties
(1:32:09) How to reference Views in the Fragment using synthetic properties
(1:33:41) Adding onClickListener to our views
(1:38:03) Intercepting OnBackPressed (NOTE: The API for this has changed since making this video. I have updated the Repository appropriately)
(1:39:40) How to observe the ViewModel using LiveData callbacks

(1:43:22) ViewModels in MVVM with Kotlin Coroutines for Concurrency
(1:45:26) A look at my BaseViewModel class which contains part of the Coroutines Implementation (Coroutine Scope)
(1:49:25) Starting point
(2:01:40) Handling events from the View in the ViewModel
(2:05:34) Using the launch Coroutine Builder to access data
(2:08:44) How to update the MutableLiveData fields to publish data to the View

(2:19:35) Modern RecyclerView implementation using LiveData to handle ItemTouchListener() callbacks
(2:22:49) Overview of the RecyclerView within the XML View with LinearLayoutManager
(2:26:53) What does the DiffUtil do?
(2:28:48) A look at the source code of ListAdapter to better understand how it works
(2:35:34) Writing the RecyclerView.ViewHolder class
(2:37:23) Why is it actually called a RecyclerView? What gets Recycled?
(2:37:58) Writing our RecyclerView.ListAdapter
(2:46:37) How to use a MutableLiveData object to publish events from the onClickListener in the ViewHolders
(2:48:09) Overview of the Fragment which manages the RecyclerView, and how to avoid memory leaks!

(2:53:17) FirebaseAuth for User Authentication using Google Sign In
(2:54:00) How to set up a new Firebase Project using Android Studio
(2:54:36) Enabling Authentication (FirebaseAuth) in the Firebase Console
(2:55:00) Setting up a debug signing certificate for your App in Firebase
(2:56:48) Gradle Configurations for FirebaseAuth
(2:58:00) Setting up GoogleSignInProvider
(2:59:24) Handling the result in onActivityResult
(3:01:06) Back FirebaseAuth Implementation using Coroutines

(3:05:31) Local Database with Room Persistence Library and Coroutines
(3:06:17) Entities and Primary Keys in Room
(3:08:50) Setting up a Dao (Data Access Object) in Room
(3:12:28) Overview of RoomDatabase implementation
(3:14:21) How to build your Database and get a reference to you Dao
(3:14:47) How to get data in and out of the Dao using suspend functions

(3:16:34) Setting up a Local and Remote Database using Firebase's Firestore NoSQL library
(3:17:33) Communicating with Firestore using a Repository, with Coroutines

(3:21:59) Dependency Injection using an AndroidViewModel, and ViewModelProvider.Factory
(3:22:29) What is dependency injection in simple terms?
(3:23:36) Implementing Dependency Injection using AndroidViewModel
(3:24:13) Quick look at using a ViewModelProvider.Factory to create our ViewModel with the Injected Repository
(3:24:27) How to use our Dependency Injector from within a Fragment or Activity

162 000 просмотров
4,5 часа
Создаем и публикуем игру, 2020 год

(0:00:00) Intro + app overview
(0:05:40) Create the main layout
(0:19:43) Setup the RecyclerView to show memory cards
(0:37:15) Add the BoardSize enum + create icons
(0:51:45) Create the memory card and game classes
(1:01:39) Implement the game logic
(1:20:20) Display game info
(1:27:45) Add menu options for game control
(1:41:59) Use an intent to navigate to the CreateActivity
(1:58:04) Build the image grid in the creation flow
(2:11:55) Choose image intent
(2:30:03) Image upload preparation
(2:39:07) Upload to Firebase Storage
(2:59:43) Save the memory game to Firebase
(3:16:00) Play memory with custom images
(3:34:30) Add menu option to download a game
(3:45:53) Style updates
(3:56:33) Creating a release build
(4:04:09) Publishing your app to Google Play
(4:19:53) Concept Review

80 000 просмотров
4 часа
Туториал, 2019 год

Section 1
(0:00:00) Course Overview: About Me, You, and this Course
(0:09:23) How to Run the Examples
(0:10:59) Kotlin Syntax Practice for Beginners

Section 2
(0:39:26) Data Landscape: Memory Spaces and Named Addresses (References)
(0:44:21) How to use «val» and «const val» References to promote Immutability/Efficiency:
(0:51:55) Using «var» Reference Types, and the problems with Shared Mutable State!
(0:58:58) Giving Structure to Data with Classes

Section 3
(1:19:45) A Fundamental Divide: Computation and Control Logic
(1:22:52) Computing Data means Solving Problems
(1:32:11) Controlling the Flow of Data
(1:37:24) Event Driven Programs
(1:57:33) Functional versus Imperative Program Style (mild introduction)

Section 4
(2:18:38) What is Software Architecture?
(2:21:14) Separation of Concerns
(2:34:13) Dependency Inversion: Using Interfaces Effectively for Front End and Back End
(3:06:22) Extension versus Abstraction: Open/Closed Principle
(3:17:00) Dependency Injection: How, What, and Why?
(3:30:23) Inversion of Control via the Service Locator Pattern

Section 5
(3:44:25) Proving Programs with Tests (a light introduction to Testing)
(4:01:42) Solving Problem (Domains) by Analysis

78 000 просмотров
3,5 часа
Создаем приложение на Kotlin и Jetpack Compose UI, создаем Судоку, 2021 год

(0:00:16) Introduction & Overview: Topics, Source
(0:02:39) App Design Approach: 3rd Party Library Minimalism & MV-Whatever Architecture
(0:04:50) Domain package: Repository Pattern, Enum, Data Class, Sealed Class, Hash Code, Interfaces
(0:34:39) Common package: Extension Functions & Variables, Open-Closed Principle (OCP), Abstract Class, Singleton
(0:50:20) Persistence (Storage) package: Clean Architecture Back End w/ Java File System Storage, Jetpack Proto Datastore
(1:28:07) UI package: Jetpack Compose UI Basics, Styles, Typography, Light & Dark Themes
(1:39:56) UI Components package: Modifiers, Reusable Toolbar & Loading Screens
(1:52:08) UI Active Game Feature package: Presentation Logic & ViewModel w/ Coroutines, Kotlin Function Types
(2:30:55) UI Active Game Feature package: Sudoku Game with Jetpack Compose UI & Activity Container
Note: In a larger App, I'd suggest using Fragments as Containers; didn't make sense to with this app though
(3:15:58) Computation Logic package: Overview, design, and testing of Graph DS & Algos for n-sized *square* Sudokus

57 000 просмотров
1,5 часа
Создаем приложение с эмодзи, 2021 год

(00:00) Intro
(01:07) App architecture
(09:05) Firebase Authentication logic
(29:25) User sign up Cloud Function
(42:31) Display user emoji list
(57:13) Update emoji status
(1:07:15) Restrict input to emoji

43 000 просмотров
1 час
Создаем калькулятор чаевых, 2021 год

42 000 просмотров
1,5 часа
Делаем приложение-клон RobiHood, 2021 год

(00:00) Intro
(03:41) Retrieving data from the API
(21:43) Building the layout
(31:25) Render the spark line chart
(40:13) Add chart interaction
(54:26) Add colors and state spinner
(1:11:01) Ticker view + radio button styling
(1:23:47) Color update + conclusion


534 000 просмотров
40 минут
Лекция 2017 года

Derek Banas

520 000 просмотров
1,5 часа
Туториал 2017 года

00:30 MacOS Install
02:49 Windows Install
04:30 Data Types
12:07 Casting
13:45 Strings
20:43 Arrays
25:52 Ranges
29:54 Conditionals
30:24 If
32:21 When
34:02 For
35:18 While
40:23 Functions
50:44 Higher Order Functions
56:40 Collection Operators
1:01:00 Exception Handling
1:03:05 Lists
1:08:00 Maps
1:10:50 Classes
1:16:00 Inheritance
1:18:12 Interfaces
1:22:22 Null Safety


258 000 просмотров
40 минут
Лекция 2018 года

Traversy Media

286 000 просмотров
1 час
Создаем todo-лист, 2020 год

00:00 — Intro
00:33 — What we will build
01:42 — Why choose Kotlin for Android Development?
03:29 — Android Studio Setup
07:17 — Creating the project
08:57 — Android Studio Roundtrip
16:17 — Building the app's layout
35:07 — Writing the Kotlin code for our app
01:03:04 — Recap of what we've done
01:06:25 — Setting up the Android emulator
01:08:15 — Running our app


280 000 просмотров
8 часов
Создаем калькулятор «возраста в минуты», 2020 год

0:00:00 — Introduction
0:01:10 — Installing Android Studio
0:05:47 — Our First Project — The UI and how to change it
0:15:08 — Setting up the AVD (Android Virtual Device)
0:24:22 — Starting our first app
0:33:04 — Our First App — People Counter App
0:49:05 — Testing on our phone
0:54:49 — Outro for this chapter
0:55:42 — Intro — Fundamentals Chapter
0:57:08 — Basic Concepts of OOP Languages
1:03:13 — Val vs Var
1:11:07 — Datatypes of Numbers
1:19:57 — Datatypes bool, char and string
1:26:41 — Arythmetic operators
1:35:24 — Comparison operators and string interpolation
1:43:51 — assignment operators
1:50:24 — If Statements
2:02:45 — If Statements part 2
2:06:28 — When Expressions
2:18:58 — While Loops
2:26:33 — Do While Loops
2:29:51 — Another way to use while loops
2:33:32 — For Loops
2:38:44 — Functions — Parameters and arguments
2:52:00 — Nullables in Kotlin
3:02:01 — Nullables — elvis operator
3:07:26 — Outro Basics 1
3:08:57 — Intro Basics of OOP
3:10:21 — Classes and Objects
3:15:11 — Classes and Initializers
3:22:16 — Scope and Shadowing
3:27:32 — Member Variables, Functions and Constructors
3:42:00 — Lateinit — Setters and Getters
3:50:57 — Data Classes
4:00:37 — Inheritance
4:15:53 — Interfaces
4:27:07 — Abstract Classes
4:33:07 — Typecasting
4:40:55 — Outro OOP
4:42:19 — Intro more on Kotlin Basics
4:43:51 — Arraylists
4:49:37 — Lambda expressions
4:54:11 — Visibility modifiers
5:05:06 — Nested and Inner Classes
5:09:54 — Safe Casting
5:14:59 — Exception Handling with try and catch
5:30:35 — Outro More Basics
5:32:08 — Intro Age in Minutes App
5:33:39 — Setting up the UI for the App
5:48:22 — Difference of SP, DP Px
6:03:45 — Finalizing the UI
6:08:51 — Adding a DatePickerDialog and OnDateSetListener
6:22:13 — Using the selected Date to Display it
6:33:30 — Outro Age in Minutes
6:34:46 — Intro Calculator App
6:40:46 — Building the UI
6:55:34 — Using onClick and implementing the CLR
7:01:33 — Adding the onDecimalPoint
7:06:41 — Adding the onOperatorFunctionality
7:14:47 — Adding Subtraction — using substring and other string methods
7:27:47 — adding the missing operations
7:38:04 — Outro

Канал с полезностями: tutorialsEU


200 000 просмотров
5 часов
Туториал для начинающих 2019 года

1. Introduction – 04:13
2. Hello World Program – 08:31
3. How to create Android Project Using Kotlin – 18:38
4. Class & Object – 24:18
5. Var Val – 29:56
6. Kotlin & Java together – 32:51
7. Convert Java & Kotlin – 38:07
8. Decompile Bytecode – 40:06
9. Operators – 46:07
10. String Template – 50:41
11. If Else Expression – 54:11
12. String Comparison – 57:47
13. Null Handling – 01:02:11
14. When Expression – 01:07:04
15. Loop & Range – 01:14:34
16. List & Map – 01:27:20
17. Function Expression – 01:35:23
18. Function calling from Java – 01:44:34
19. Default and Named Parameters – 01:51:20
20. String to Integer – 02:03:21
21. Try Expression – 02:07:32
22. Extension Function – 02:12:17
23. Infix and Operator Overloading – 02:20:20
24. Recursion – 02:27:05
25. Recursion | Factorial – 02:34:46
26. Tail Recursion – 02:41:12
27. Constructor – 02:46:46
28. Secondary Constructor – 02:53:29
29. Inheritance – 02:58:46
30. Constructor in Inheritance – 03:09:35
31. Abstract class – 03:14:21
32. Interface – 03:20:17
33. Data Class – 03:29:32
34. Object Keyword – 03:40:09
35. Anonymous inner class – 03:46:54
36. Companion Object – 03:53:31
37. Companion Object | Factory Pattern – 03:59:08
38. Backtick As Escape Character – 04:03:18
39. User Input in Kotlin – 04:06:42
40. Array – 04:11:48
41. List – 04:21:53
42. List of Objects – 04:30:01
43. Higher Order Function – 04:35:15
44. Filter and Map – 04:49:06


157 000 просмотров
5 часов
Туториал и практика создания 3 приложений, 2020

00:00:37 — Intro to Kotlin
00:04:28 — Installing Android Studio on macOS
00:17:12 — Installing Android Studio on Windows
00:27:21 — Installing Intellij for Kotlin on macOS
00:36:00 — Installing Intellij for Kotlin on Windows
00:44:35 — Kotlin Variables
01:01:09 — Kotlin Strings
01:23:03 — Kotlin Numbers & Operators
01:27:31 — Kotlin Functions
01:44:33 — Kotlin Conditional Logic
02:03:41 — Kotlin Collections
02:23:04 — Kotlin Loops
02:31:44 — Kotlin Nullability
02:50:05 — Kotlin Classes & Inheritance
03:18:17 — Kotlin Lambda
03:41:12 — Setting Up Android Emulator
03:53:02 — Dinner Decider App Part 1
04:14:24 — Dinner Decider App Part 2
04:38:07 — Dinner Decider App Part 3
04:49:01 — Installing to a Real Device from macOS
04:55:42 — Installing to a Real Device from Windows

Donn Felker — Freelancing for Software Developers

36 000 просмотров
9,5 часов
Полный курс 2021 года

0:00:00 Welcome
0:02:07 Installing IntelliJ
0:03:20 Creating your First Kotlin File
0:04:38 Updating the Kotlin Plugin
0:05:43 Hello World
0:06:49 Creating a Variable
0:10:06 Creating a Read only Variable
0:12:19 Providing a Type on a Variable
0:14:00 Basic Types: Numbers
0:21:14 Basic Types: String and Char
0:24:11 String Interpolation and Triple Quotes
0:29:26 Basic Types: Boolean
0:31:18 If/Else Conditionals
0:36:25 One Line If/Else Conditional
0:40:17 Understanding Truth Tables
0:46:08 Structural Equality
0:48:19 Referential Equality
0:50:46 Nullable Types
0:52:12 Nullable Safe Calls
0:55:48 The Elvis Operator
0:57:49 Your First Kotlin Function
1:03:29 Functions with Return Types
1:08:49 Functions inside of Functions
1:11:51 Single Line Expressions
1:15:59 Function Arguments
1:21:49 Named Parameters
1:26:14 Default Function Arguments
1:30:44 IDE Refactoring to New LInes and Named Arguments
1:32:13 Multiple Args with varargs
1:34:57 Function Overloading
1:38:30 Creating your First Kotlin Class
1:45:31 Class Primary Constructors
1:49:18 Multiple Class Constructors
1:57:18 Constructor Init Blocks
2:00:57 Class Properties
2:04:00 Read Class Properties
2:04:54 Overriding a Property Getter
2:06:35 Overriding a Property Setter
2:09:42 Multiple Properties in a Class
2:11:11 Class Functions
2:15:51 Companion Objects
2:21:32 How to Create a Singleton
2:29:09 Declaring Constants
2:36:09 The lateinit modifier
2:40:23 How to Nest Classes
2:43:57 Inner Classes
2:46:56 Creating an Enum
2:51:36 Enum Constructor Parameters
2:55:27 Abstract Functions in Kotlin
2:58:51 Iterating over Enum Values
3:00:04 Adding Static Methods to Enums
3:01:37 The When Statement (Kotlin Switch Statement)
3:08:19 Exhaustive vs Non-Exhaustive When
3:15:09 Data Classes
3:19:27 Data Class with Parameterless Constructor
3:20:40 Data Class: Component1-N functions
3:24:15 Destructuring Data Classes
3:27:47 Copying Data Class Instances
3:31:17 The Pair and Triple Data Classes
3:33:50 Protected Modifier for Variables
3:40:53 Protected Modifier for Functions
3:47:02 Internal Modifier for Classes
3:55:07 Abstract Classes
3:59:45 Implementing an Abstract Class
4:13:30 Understanding Abstractions with Abstract Classes
4:17:52 What interfaces are used for
4:26:28 Creating an Interface
4:27:32 Implementing an Interface
4:28:51 Real World Interface Example
4:35:39 Anonymous Interfaces
4:40:34 Creating Arrays
4:47:06 Creating Immutable Lists
4:52:46 Creating Mutable Lists
5:00:47 Filtering a List
5:06:28 Finding Items in a List
5:12:44 Using «filterNot» on a List
5:14:10 filterTo and filterNotTo on Lists
5:16:40 Flattening Lists and Arrays
5:19:39 Combining Immutable Lists
5:21:21 List vs Map
5:29:40 Map vs FlatMap
5:34:15 Set Data Structure (a List with no Duplicates)
5:39:05 For Loops
5:44:13 While Loops
5:47:59 For Each Loops
5:51:03 Combining Lists with the Union Operator
5:53:53 Iterating over a List with an Index
5:55:28 Ranges
5:56:59 Immutable Maps
6:00:49 Mutable Maps
6:08:29 Filtering and Transforming Maps
6:16:30 Using mapNotNull on a Map
6:20:22 Generating Large Sequences
6:23:11 Measuring Performance
6:31:33 Kotlin Sequences
6:44:19 List vs Set vs Map vs Sequence
6:49:25 Kotlin Ternary Operator: Single Line If
6:50:51 Double Bang!!! Operator
6:54:58 Using requireNotNull()
6:59:04 Using checkNotNull()
7:01:05 Filtering a List with filterNotNull()
7:02:20 Type Checking with 'is'
7:08:52 Casting
7:11:36 Safe Casting with 'as'
7:14:58 Generic Lists and Maps
7:19:50 Your First Generic Class
7:27:06 Throwing Exceptions
7:29:54 Creating a Custom Exception
7:32:44 Catching Exceptions with Try/Catch
7:36:09 Catching Multiple Exception Types
7:40:43 Try/Catch/Finally blocks
7:44:52 Try/Catch vs Try/Finally
7:47:27 Creating a typealias
7:50:38 Extension Functions
7:59:14 Lazy Evaluation
8:02:26 Lazy Initializer Block
8:05:42 Packages and Imports
8:14:04 Type Inference
8:21:09 Simple Lambda Expressions
8:34:29 Lambdas as Function Parameters
8:40:23 Passing Values to Lambda Function Parameters
8:51:37 Underscore Parameters in Lamba Functions
8:54:24 The 'it' Paramter in Lambda Functions
8:56:38 Calling Kotlin from Java
8:59:39 Calling Java from Kotlin
9:04:51 Calling an Extension Function from Java
9:07:50 @JvmName Annotation
9:10:21 Top Level Main Functions
9:11:15 Kotlin REPL
9:13:52 Project: Setup
9:15:54 Project: Reading Input
9:20:16 Project: Calculator Logic
9:28:04 Project: Adding Validation
9:35:54 Project: Compiling to a Jar File and Execution
9:38:21 Kotlin Koans
9:40:09 Congratulations


канал: CodingWithMitch

14 000 просмотров
2019 год


Канал: Stevdza-San
2020 год

канал: Philipp Lackner

Rahul Pandey

64 000 просмотров
12 минут
2021 год


4 500 просмотров
16 минут
Учимся валидировать формы регистрации, 2021 год
Канал с полезностями: Devslopes

На русском


180 000 просмотров
18 уроков по 5-10 минут
2016 год

Start Android

143 000 просмотров
19 уроков по 10 минут
2017 год

Гоша Дударь

113 000 просмотров
2019 год
Канал: Гоша Дударь

Neco Ru

41 000 просмотров
34 урока по 20 минут
Курс по KOTLIN и ANDROID STUDIO для начинающих 2021 года


40 000 просмотров
Kotlin за час. Теория и практика
2021 год

Войти в IT через Minecraft и Яндекс / Всё о Kotlin и Android / Интервью с Kotlin Developer

182 000 просморов
Интервью 1,5 часа
2019 год

JUG .ru

34 000 просмотров
Лекция 1 час
Роман Елизаров «Корутины в Kotlin», 2018 год

Еще полезные онтолы

Комментарии (15)

  1. endlessnights
    05.11.2021 19:19

    Полезная подборка. Я, дурак, писал свое первое приложение на Java, а ведь Kotlin набирает обороты.

  1. sopcastultras
    05.11.2021 22:59

    Количество просмотров не равно “самому полезному»

    1. MagisterLudi Автор
      05.11.2021 23:02

      Да, это немного жульничество, но цель жульничества — приглашение к дискуссии, чтобы читатели накидали свои варианты, что им было максимально полезно. Пока нет набора мнений адекватных людей, «количество просмотров» — лучший показатель.

      Какой механизм выбора «самый лучший бесплатный видеокурс» вы можете предложить?

      1. sopcastultras
        06.11.2021 09:44

        Есть множество путей, которыми мог пойти новичок. Например он может попытаться найти комьюнити по своему уровню, рано или поздно может выйти на, где его направят на FAQ группы со ссылками на курсы от Jetbrains. Либо он может зайти на официальный сайт и увидеть документацию, youtube канал и прочий контент. Создатели языка проделывают хорошую работу в этом направлении и согласитесь, что качественные материалы скорее будешь ожидать от создателя. Либо методом поиска можно найти разные платформы . Вариантов конечно же больше, но все они требуют погружения в предметную область. Выучить язык по курсам "Learn Kotlin in 12 Minutes" будет затруднительно. Не ограничивайтесь только роликами с ютуба. Выбор механизма "самого лучшего бесплатного видеокурса" остается за вами.

        1. MagisterLudi Автор
          06.11.2021 09:48


  1. Taos
    06.11.2021 09:47

    Ещё есть курс по Kotlin и Kotlin для Android разработки от университета ИТМО на базе платформы "Открытое образование"

  1. FirsofMaxim
    06.11.2021 21:09

    Ну для меня пока самое сложное - понять корутины. Вот вроде смотрю видео, даже на русском, а сделать аналог из RxJava не понимаю как.

    1. koperagen
      07.11.2021 12:38

      Расскажите, что на RxJava делали

      1. FirsofMaxim
        07.11.2021 13:16

        Observable.amb как реализовать?

        1. koperagen
          07.11.2021 16:02

          А этот amb должен работать для Flow или для suspend функций?

          1. FirsofMaxim
            07.11.2021 17:33

            Для suspend, есть N источника данных, вызываются все параллельно, нужен результат только от 1го пришедшего, остальные отменяются.

      1. FirsofMaxim
        19.11.2021 09:04

        А еще вот такой кейс, есть paged-API и данные надо вычерпать все. Т/е запрос данных это последовательный вызов API-метода с нужной страницей, при этом если какой-то из запросов вернется с ошибкой, то возвращать в результате накопленные данные (к примеру K из N запросов).

        1. koperagen
          20.11.2021 04:50

          Кажется, что тут корутины предстают во всей красе. Если я правильно понял, то можно написать императивный код в таком духе.

          suspend fun fetchPage(page: Int): Result<Data> 
          suspend fun fetchData(n: Int): List<Data> {
              val data = mutableListOf<Data>()
              for (i in 0 until n) {
                  when (val result = fetchPage(i)) {
                      is Ok -> data.add(result.value)
                      is Error -> break
              return data