Второй год сообщество Facebook Developer Circle: Moscow активно развивается в области JavaScript и Front End'а. И я рад вам сообщить, что скоро в сообществе будет проводиться очередной митап. Но этот митап будет не один, а три дня! Вы сможете посмотреть гораздо больше интересных докладов).
Day 1 - 15 октября
7:00pm - 7:45pm - DSL approach with JS component libraries
Andrey Kobets / Head of Front-end Development at Yandex
How to write modern frontend application using React/Vue/Angular/..., and
1 Do it the way you like it, but not the way the library requires it.
2 Use only the best solutions for your task.
3 Not to fear major updates of dependencies.
4 Not to rewrite project every time with a new extra fast/robust/flexible library.
7:45pm - 8:30pm - Quo vadis, Frontend?
Evgeny Kot / Director of Development at Wrike
There is no industry that is more rapidly developing than the frontend. You can argue, but how many more ecosystems do you know where frameworks are emerging at this rate? Web standards are being implemented and immediately become obsolete. The most important question is: where are we going, and where will we come to? The question is not rhetorical: how not to stay out of business in this bubbling stream and capture only the most important, what will be the trend in 2021.
8:30pm - 9:15pm - Dive into effector
Yan Lavryushev / Frontend Developer
Mental health issues is the main epidemic of the 21st century, could we reduce it a bit? I guess so
Day 2 - 16 октября
7:00pm - 7:45pm - What's beyond CRA*?
Vitaly Kosenko / Head of Search Interfaces Architecture at Yandex
The Yandex Search page result doesn’t look the same for every search request. A great amount of such requests transforms the search page into complex services like hotel booking services or streaming services. We optimized the performance of the interfaces for users and the performance for developers, and then, we decided to rewrite everything using a different technological stack. I’ll tell you how the migration was technically done. Of course, we’ll discuss every key step in detail. Be ready for a series of advice from real-world projects.
7:45pm - 8:30pm - Practical Serverless & Edge Computing
Aleksey Taktarov / resume.io
While serverless is way beyond its hype point, it is still an underestimated technology that could open up new approaches in how we build our apps. In this talk I'm going to give an overview of practical applications of serverless JS. We're going to cover serverless frontend microservices, authorization methods, Smart CDNs, caching (including stale-while-revalidate) with Vercel and Cloudflare Workers. I'll illustrate these methods with practical examples from the tools we build internally at [resume.io](http://resume.io): OG image generation, PDF/DOCX rendering, automatic Critical CSS injection and more.
Day 3 - 17 октября
10:45am - 11:30am - Pipelinekiller. Life after create-react-app
Aleksey Zolotykh / Lead Software Developer at EPAM
With the release of react-scripts, next and other parsel, it seems that here it's happiness left only to write code and enjoy life. But it's not so. Life doesn't stop at create-react-app. After all, front-end is not enough just to build, it also needs to be checked. My presentation will be about how to do it without noise and dust.
11:30am - 12:15asssm - Binary JS saga
Aleksandr Korotaev / Senior Software Developer at VK.com
I want to talk about parsing binary files using Node.js.
How to read and write binary data structures on JS. How to speedup mass creation files process.
And stories of parsing data chunks of formats for which there is no specification.
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До встречи на митапе!