Разделение и объединение PDF-документов на отдельные страницы - распространенная задача, с которой сталкиваются многие разработчики. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как можно выполнить эту задачу без использования сторонних компонентов, а также обсудим "плюсы" и "минусы" такого подхода. Такой подход может быть полезен в тех случаях, когда важны безопасность, контроль и экономия средств. Однако он требует значительных усилий и глубоких знаний, а также может быть ограничен в функциональности. В зависимости от конкретных требований и условий проекта разработчики могут выбрать наиболее подходящий подход к решению поставленной задачи.
Отсутствие зависимости от сторонних библиотек:
Безопасность: Использование только встроенных инструментов снижает риск уязвимостей, связанных с внешними библиотеками.
Контроль: Полный контроль над процессом и кодом, что позволяет вам лучше понимать процесс разделения и управлять им.
Экономия средств:
Бесплатно: Нет необходимости приобретать лицензии на сторонние компоненты.
Отсутствие подписок: Нет необходимости платить за обновления и поддержку сторонних библиотек.
Минимизация размера приложения:
Меньшее количество зависимостей: Приложение будет занимать меньше места, поскольку в него не нужно включать дополнительные библиотеки.
Сложность внедрения:
Трудоемкость: Реализация функционала разделения PDF-файлов с нуля может занять значительное время и потребовать глубоких знаний формата PDF, в том числе использования регулярных выражений.
Ошибки: Существует высокая вероятность возникновения ошибок при внедрении, особенно если разработчик не имеет достаточного опыта работы с PDF. Например, возможны ошибки при работе со сложными PDF-файлами (особенно с новыми PDF 1.7, PDF 2.0).
Ограниченные возможности:
Функциональность: Сторонние библиотеки часто предлагают широкий спектр функций, которые сложно реализовать самостоятельно.
Поддержка форматов: Сторонние компоненты могут поддерживать различные версии и функции PDF, которые может быть сложно учесть при самостоятельной реализации.
Отсутствие поддержки и обновлений:
Обновления: Сторонние библиотеки регулярно обновляются и совершенствуются, что позволяет использовать последние достижения и исправления.
Поддержка: При возникновении проблем вы можете обратиться за помощью к разработчикам сторонних компонентов.
Если вы хотите использовать сторонний компонент, попробуйте наш SautinSoft.PDF. Он также полностью бесплатный для операций разделения и объединения.
Представляем вашему вниманию код для разделение Pdf по страницам без стороннего компонента на C# и .NET:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Sample
class Sample
/// <summary>
/// Split PDF by pages without 3rd party component in C# and .NET
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/pdf/help/net/developer-guide/split-PDF-by-pages-without-3rd-party-component-csharp-dotnet.php
/// </remarks>
static void Main(string[] args)
// C# example to split PDF document by pages without any 3rd party components.
// Advantages:
// + Completely C# code, no dependencies, no 3rd party references.
// Disadvantages:
// - Uses Regual expressions
// - May fault with complex PDF files (especially new PDF 1.7, PDF 2.0).
// If want to use 3rd party component, try our SautinSoft.Pdf:
// https://sautinsoft.com/products/pdf/help/net/developer-guide/split-pdf-files.php
// It's also completely FREE for Split and Merge operations.
string inpFile = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\005.pdf");
DirectoryInfo outDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Pages"));
if (outDir.Exists)
ProjectPart pp = new ProjectPart();
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Error! Can't load input file: {inpFile}");
int[] Pages = pp.Pages;
foreach (int page in Pages)
string filename = Path.GetFileName(pp.path);
filename = Regex.Replace(filename, @".pdf", "-" + (page + 1).ToString("00000") + ".pdf", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
FileStream w = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(outDir.FullName, filename));
PdfSplitterMerger psm = new PdfSplitterMerger(w);
FileStream f = File.OpenRead(pp.path);
psm.Add(f, new int[] { page });
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outDir.FullName) { UseShellExecute = true });
internal class ProjectPart
private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
internal event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
public string path;
internal string pages;
public int[] Pages
ArrayList ps = new ArrayList();
if (this.pages == null || pages.Length == 0)
for (int index = 0; index < this.MaxPage; index++)
string[] ss = this.pages.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ', ';' });
foreach (string s in ss)
if (Regex.IsMatch(s, @"\d+-\d+"))
int start = int.Parse(s.Split(new char[] { '-' })[0]);
int end = int.Parse(s.Split(new char[] { '-' })[1]);
if (start > end)
return new int[] { 0 };
while (start <= end)
ps.Add(start - 1);
ps.Add(int.Parse(s) - 1);
return ps.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[];
public int MaxPage;
public void Load(string path)
this.path = path;
System.IO.Stream s = File.OpenRead(path);
PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(s);
pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
this.MaxPage = pf.PageCount;
public void LoadFromBytes(byte[] pdf)
System.IO.Stream s = new MemoryStream(pdf);
PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(s);
pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
this.MaxPage = pf.PageCount;
public ProjectPart()
this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
private void pf_ProgressEvent(int part, int total)
this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
internal delegate void ProgressDelegate(int part, int total);
internal class PdfSplitterMerger
System.IO.Stream target;
long pos = 15;
private int number = 3;
private ArrayList pageNumbers, xrefs;
private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
public event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
public PdfSplitterMerger(System.IO.Stream OutputStream)
this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
this.xrefs = new ArrayList();
this.pageNumbers = new ArrayList();
this.target = OutputStream;
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(this.target);
string versionstring = "PDF-1.4";
sw.Write("%" + versionstring + "\r");
Byte[] buffer = new Byte[7];
buffer[0] = 0x25;
buffer[1] = 0xE2;
buffer[2] = 0xE3;
buffer[3] = 0xCF;
buffer[4] = 0xD3;
buffer[5] = 0x0D;
buffer[6] = 0x0A;
this.target.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
public void Add(System.IO.Stream PdfInputStream, int[] PageNumbers)
PdfFile pf = new PdfFile(PdfInputStream);
pf.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
PdfSplitter ps = new PdfSplitter();
ps.ProgressEvent += new ProgressDelegate(pf_ProgressEvent);
ps.Load(pf, PageNumbers, this.number);
private void Add(PdfSplitter PdfSplitter)
foreach (int pageNumber in PdfSplitter.pageNumbers)
ArrayList sortedObjects = new ArrayList();
foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in PdfSplitter.sObjects.Values)
sortedObjects.Sort(new PdfFileObjectNumberComparer());
foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in sortedObjects)
this.pos += pfo.WriteToStream(this.target);
public void Finish()
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(this.target);
string root = "";
root = "1 0 obj\r";
root += "<< \r/Type /Catalog \r";
root += "/Pages 2 0 R \r";
root += ">> \r";
root += "endobj\r";
xrefs.Insert(0, pos);
pos += root.Length;
string pages = "";
pages += "2 0 obj \r";
pages += "<< \r";
pages += "/Type /Pages \r";
pages += "/Count " + pageNumbers.Count + " \r";
pages += "/Kids [ ";
foreach (int pageIndex in pageNumbers)
pages += pageIndex + " 0 R ";
pages += "] \r";
pages += ">> \r";
pages += "endobj\r";
xrefs.Insert(1, pos);
pos += pages.Length;
sw.Write("0 " + (this.number) + " \r");
sw.Write("0000000000 65535 f \r");
foreach (long xref in this.xrefs)
sw.Write((xref + 1).ToString("0000000000") + " 00000 n \r");
sw.Write("/Size " + (this.number) + "\r");
sw.Write("/Root 1 0 R \r");
sw.Write((pos + 1) + "\r");
private void pf_ProgressEvent(int part, int total)
this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
internal class Project
public string Name;
public ArrayList Parts;
public int TotalPages
int tot = 0;
foreach (ProjectPart pp in this.Parts)
if (pp.Pages == null)
tot += pp.MaxPage;
tot += pp.Pages.Length;
return tot;
public Project(string name)
this.Parts = new ArrayList();
this.Name = name;
internal class PdfSplitter
internal Hashtable sObjects;
internal ArrayList pageNumbers;
internal Hashtable transHash;
internal PdfFile PdfFile;
private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
public event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
internal PdfSplitter()
this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
internal void Load(PdfFile PdfFile, int[] PageNumbers, int startNumber)
this.PdfFile = PdfFile;
this.pageNumbers = new ArrayList();
this.sObjects = new Hashtable();
int part = 0;
int total = PageNumbers.Length;
foreach (int PageNumber in PageNumbers)
this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
PdfFileObject page = PdfFile.PageList[PageNumber] as PdfFileObject;
page.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, this.sObjects);
this.transHash = this.CalcTransHash(startNumber);
foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in this.sObjects.Values)
private Hashtable CalcTransHash(int startNumber)
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in this.sObjects.Values)
al.Sort(new PdfFileObjectNumberComparer());
int number = startNumber;
foreach (PdfFileObject pfo in al)
ht.Add(pfo.number, number);
return ht;
enum PdfObjectType
UnKnown, Stream, Page, Other
internal class PdfFileStreamObject : PdfFileObject
private byte[] streamBuffer;
private int streamStartOffset, streamLength;
internal PdfFileStreamObject(PdfFileObject obj)
this.address = obj.address;
this.length = obj.length;
this.text = obj.text;
this.number = obj.number;
this.PdfFile = obj.PdfFile;
private void LoadStreamBuffer()
Match m1 = Regex.Match(this.text, @"stream\s*");
this.streamStartOffset = m1.Index + m1.Value.Length;
this.streamLength = this.length - this.streamStartOffset;
this.streamBuffer = new byte[this.streamLength];
this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address + this.streamStartOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
this.PdfFile.memory.Read(this.streamBuffer, 0, this.streamLength);
this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.PdfFile.memory);
char[] startChars = new char[this.streamStartOffset];
sr.ReadBlock(startChars, 0, this.streamStartOffset);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
this.text = sb.ToString();
internal override void Transform(System.Collections.Hashtable TransformationHash)
internal override long WriteToStream(System.IO.Stream Stream)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Stream);
new MemoryStream(this.streamBuffer).WriteTo(Stream);
return this.streamLength + this.text.Length;
internal class PdfFileObject
internal long address;
internal int number, length;
internal string text;
internal PdfFile PdfFile;
MatchEvaluator filterEval;
internal static PdfFileObject Create(PdfFile PdfFile, int number, long address)
PdfFileObject pfo = new PdfFileObject();
pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile;
pfo.number = number;
pfo.address = address;
if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Stream)
pfo = new PdfFileStreamObject(pfo);
pfo.filterEval = new MatchEvaluator(pfo.FilterEval);
return pfo;
internal static PdfFileObject Create(PdfFile PdfFile, int number, string initial)
PdfFileObject pfo = new PdfFileObject();
pfo.PdfFile = PdfFile;
pfo.number = number;
pfo.address = -1;
pfo.length = -1;
pfo.text = pfo.number + " 0 obj\n" + initial + "\nendobj\n";
if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Stream)
pfo = new PdfFileStreamObject(pfo);
pfo.filterEval = new MatchEvaluator(pfo.FilterEval);
return pfo;
private void LoadText()
this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = 0; index < this.length; index++)
this.text = sb.ToString();
private void GetLenght(PdfFile PdfFile)
System.IO.Stream stream = PdfFile.memory;
stream.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Match m = Regex.Match("", @"endobj\s*");
int b = 0;
this.length = 0;
string word = "";
while (b != -1)
b = stream.ReadByte();
if (b > 97 && b < 112)
char c = (char)b;
word += c;
if (word == "endobj")
b = -1;
word = "";
char c2 = (char)stream.ReadByte();
while (Regex.IsMatch(c2.ToString(), @"\s"))
c2 = (char)stream.ReadByte();
protected PdfObjectType type;
internal PdfObjectType Type
if (this.type == PdfObjectType.UnKnown)
if (Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"/Page") & !Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"/Pages"))
this.type = PdfObjectType.Page;
return this.type;
if (Regex.IsMatch(this.text, @"stream"))
this.type = PdfObjectType.Stream;
return this.type;
this.type = PdfObjectType.Other;
return this.type;
internal int GetNumber(string Name)
Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"/" + Name + @" (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
int len = 0;
if (m.Success)
len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);
return len;
internal int[] GetArrayNumbers(string arrayName)
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
string pattern = @"/" + arrayName + @"\s*\[(\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R\s*)*";
Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
foreach (Capture cap in m.Groups["id"].Captures)
return ids.ToArray(typeof(int)) as int[];
internal ArrayList GetKids()
ArrayList kids = new ArrayList();
foreach (int id in this.GetArrayNumbers("Kids"))
PdfFileObject pfo = PdfFile.LoadObject(id);
if (pfo.Type == PdfObjectType.Page)
return kids;
internal void PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile PdfFile, Hashtable container)
if (!container.ContainsKey(this.number))
container.Add(this.number, this);
Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"(?'parent'(/Parent)*)\s*(?'id'\d+) 0 R[^G]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
while (m.Success)
int num = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
bool notparent = m.Groups["parent"].Length == 0;
if (notparent & !container.Contains(num))
PdfFileObject pfo = PdfFile.LoadObject(num);
if (pfo != null & !container.Contains(pfo.number))
pfo.PopulateRelatedObjects(PdfFile, container);
m = m.NextMatch();
private Hashtable TransformationHash;
private string FilterEval(Match m)
int id = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
string end = m.Groups["end"].Value;
if (this.TransformationHash.ContainsKey(id))
string rest = m.Groups["rest"].Value;
return (int)TransformationHash[id] + rest + end;
return end;
internal PdfFileObject Parent
return this.PdfFile.LoadObject(this.text, "Parent");
internal string MediaBoxText
string pattern = @"/MediaBox\s*\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]";
string mediabox = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern).Value;
if (mediabox == "")
pattern = @"/MediaBox\s*\d+";
mediabox = Regex.Match(this.text, pattern).Value;
if (mediabox != "")
mediabox = mediabox.Remove(0, "/MediaBox".Length);
mediabox = mediabox.Trim();
int obj = Convert.ToInt32(mediabox, 10);
if (obj > 0 && obj < this.PdfFile.objects.Count)
pattern = @"\[\s*(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s+(\+|-)?\d+(.\d+)?\s*]";
string text = ((PdfFileObject)(this.PdfFile.objects[obj])).text;
mediabox = Regex.Match(text, pattern).Value;
mediabox = "/MediaBox " + mediabox;
return mediabox;
internal virtual void Transform(Hashtable TransformationHash)
if (this.Type == PdfObjectType.Page && this.MediaBoxText == "")
PdfFileObject parent = this.Parent;
while (parent != null)
string mb = parent.MediaBoxText;
if (mb == "")
parent = parent.Parent;
this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text, @"/Type\s*/Page", "/Type /Page\r" + mb);
parent = null;
this.TransformationHash = TransformationHash;
this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text
, @"(?'id'\d+)(?'rest' 0 (obj|R))(?'end'[^G])", this.filterEval, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
this.text = Regex.Replace(this.text, @"/Parent\s+(\d+ 0 R)*", "/Parent 2 0 R \r");
internal virtual long WriteToStream(System.IO.Stream Stream)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Stream, Encoding.ASCII);
return this.text.Length;
internal string UnpackStream()
Match m = Regex.Match(this.text, @"/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
int len = 0;
if (m.Success)
len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);
this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(this.address, SeekOrigin.Begin);
long seek = PdfFile.Seek(this.PdfFile.memory, "stream\r\n");
if (seek != -1)
this.PdfFile.memory.Seek(seek + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
this.PdfFile.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len);
byte[] unzipped = PdfFile.UnZipStr(buffer);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(unzipped, 0, unzipped.Length);
return "";
internal class PdfFileObjectNumberComparer : IComparer
#region IComparer Members
public int Compare(object x, object y)
PdfFileObject a = x as PdfFileObject;
PdfFileObject b = y as PdfFileObject;
return a.number.CompareTo(b.number);
internal class PdfFile
private void OnProgress(int part, int total) { }
internal event ProgressDelegate ProgressEvent;
internal string trailer;
internal System.IO.Stream memory;
internal Hashtable objects;
public PdfFile(System.IO.Stream InputStream)
this.memory = InputStream;
this.ProgressEvent = new ProgressDelegate(this.OnProgress);
public void Load()
long startxref = this.GetStartxref();
this.trailer = this.ParseTrailer(startxref);
long[] adds = this.GetAddresses(startxref);
private void LoadHash(long[] addresses)
this.objects = new Hashtable();
int part = 0;
int total = addresses.Length;
foreach (long add in addresses)
if (add < 0) continue;
this.ProgressEvent(part, total);
this.memory.Seek(add, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
string line = sr.ReadLine();
if (line.Length < 2)
line = sr.ReadLine();
Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"(?'id'\d+) 0 obj", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
if (m.Success)
int num = int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value);
if (!objects.ContainsKey(num))
objects.Add(num, PdfFileObject.Create(this, num, add));
foreach (long add in addresses)
if (add >= 0) continue;
int realadd = -(int)add;
if (!objects.ContainsKey(realadd)) continue;
PdfFileObject obj = (PdfFileObject)objects[realadd];
string unpackedstream = obj.UnpackStream();
int n = obj.GetNumber("N");
int[] nums = new int[n];
int[] poss = new int[n];
int[] lens = new int[n];
string[] splitted = unpackedstream.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, n * 2 + 1);
int prevpos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
nums[i] = int.Parse(splitted[i * 2]);
poss[i] = int.Parse(splitted[i * 2 + 1]);
if (i > 0) lens[i - 1] = poss[i] - poss[i - 1];
prevpos = poss[i];
lens[n - 1] = splitted[splitted.Length - 1].Length - poss[n - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
string objstr = splitted[splitted.Length - 1].Substring(poss[i], lens[i]);
objects.Add(nums[i], PdfFileObject.Create(this, nums[i], objstr));
internal PdfFileObject LoadObject(string text, string key)
string pattern = @"/" + key + @" (?'id'\d+)";
Match m = Regex.Match(text, pattern, RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
if (m.Success)
return this.LoadObject(int.Parse(m.Groups["id"].Value));
return null;
internal PdfFileObject LoadObject(int number)
return this.objects[number] as PdfFileObject;
internal ArrayList PageList
PdfFileObject root = this.LoadObject(this.trailer, "Root");
PdfFileObject pages = this.LoadObject(root.text, "Pages");
return pages.GetKids();
public int PageCount
return this.PageList.Count;
private long[] GetAddresses(long xref)
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
string tr = ParseTrailer(xref);
if (Regex.Match(tr, @"/FlateDecode").Success)
Match m = Regex.Match(tr, @"/Length (?'num'\d+)", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
int len = 0;
if (m.Success)
len = int.Parse(m.Groups["num"].Value);
int[] widths = new int[] { 1, 1, 1 };
int totalwidth = 1;
m = Regex.Match(tr, @"/W\s*\[(?'nums'[\d\s]+?)\]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture);
if (m.Success)
string[] split = (m.Groups["nums"].Value.Split(' '));
widths = new int[split.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
//if (!int.TryParse(split[i], widths[i])) continue;
widths[i] = int.Parse(split[i]);
totalwidth += widths[i];
this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
long seek = Seek(this.memory, "stream\n");
if (seek != -1)
this.memory.Seek(seek + 7, SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
this.memory.Read(buffer, 0, len);
byte[] unzipped = UnZipStr(buffer);
byte[] prevrow = new byte[totalwidth - 1];
for (int row = 1; row < unzipped.Length; row += totalwidth)
byte[] currow = new byte[totalwidth - 1];
for (int col = 0; col < totalwidth - 1; col++)
currow[col] = (byte)((prevrow[col] + unzipped[row + col]) % 256);
if (currow[0] > 0)
long addr = 0;
for (int col = widths[0]; col < widths[0] + widths[1]; col++)
{ addr *= 256; addr += currow[col]; }
if (currow[0] == 1)
else if (currow[0] == 2 && !al.Contains(-addr))
prevrow = currow;
this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
string line = "";
while (true)
line = sr.ReadLine();
if (line == null || Regex.IsMatch(line, ">>"))
if (Regex.IsMatch(line, @"\d{10} 00000 n\s*"))
al.Add(long.Parse(line.Substring(0, 10)));
Match mtch = Regex.Match(tr, @"/Prev \d+");
if (mtch.Success)
return al.ToArray(typeof(long)) as long[];
public static byte[] UnZipStr(byte[] bytes)
using (MemoryStream returnStream = new MemoryStream())
using (MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(bytes))
source.Position = 0;
using var decompressor = new DeflateStream(source, CompressionMode.Decompress);
return returnStream.ToArray();
public static long Seek(string file, string searchString)
//open filestream to perform a seek
using (System.IO.FileStream fs =
return Seek(fs, searchString);
public static long Seek(Stream fs,
string searchString)
char[] search = searchString.ToCharArray();
long result = -1, position = 0, stored = -1,
begin = fs.Position;
int c;
while ((c = fs.ReadByte()) != -1)
if ((char)c == search[position])
if (stored == -1 && position > 0
&& (char)c == search[0])
stored = fs.Position;
if (position + 1 == search.Length)
result = fs.Position - search.Length;
fs.Position = result;
else if (stored > -1)
fs.Position = stored + 1;
position = 1;
stored = -1; //reset stored position!
position = 0;
if (result == -1)
fs.Position = begin;
return result;
private long GetStartxref()
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
this.memory.Seek(this.memory.Length - 100, SeekOrigin.Begin);
string line = "";
while (!line.StartsWith("startxref"))
line = sr.ReadLine();
long startxref = long.Parse(sr.ReadLine());
if (startxref == -1)
throw new Exception("Cannot find the startxref");
return startxref;
private string ParseTrailer(long xref)
this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
string line;
string trailer = "";
bool istrailer = false;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()).IndexOf("startxref") == -1)
line = line.Trim();
if (line.IndexOf("trailer") >= 0)
trailer = "";
istrailer = true;
if (istrailer)
trailer += line + "\r";
if (trailer == "")
this.memory.Seek(xref, SeekOrigin.Begin);
sr = new StreamReader(this.memory);
int parentheses = 0;
string temp = "";
bool started = false;
while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
int pos = -1;
pos = line.IndexOf("<<");
int pos2 = line.IndexOf(">>");
if (pos == -1) pos = pos2;
else if (pos2 != -1) pos = Math.Min(pos, pos2);
if (pos != -1)
started = true;
parentheses += (line[pos] == '>') ? 1 : -1;
temp += line.Substring(0, pos + 2);
if (parentheses == 0)
line = line.Substring(pos + 2);
temp += line + "\r\n";
} while (pos != -1);
if (parentheses == 0 && temp != "" && started) break;
if (parentheses == 0)// && Regex.Match(temp, @"/Root").Success)
trailer = temp;
if (trailer == "")
throw new Exception("Cannot find trailer");
return trailer;