Предыдущая статья: Добавление Swagger документации в NestJS-mod приложение и генерация REST-клиента для Angular-приложения

Для запуска собранных приложений в режиме PM2 фронтенд будет встроен в бэкенд в виде статичных файлов.

Для запуска в режиме "Docker Compose" бэкенд будет собран в виде Docker образа, а собранная статика фронтенда будет отдаваться через и Nginx.

База данных запускается через "Docker Compose".

1. Устанавливаем все необходимые пакеты и перегенерируем клиентов Prisma

После установки пакетов сгенерированные клиенты Prisma удаляются, поэтому нужно повторно прогонять генерацию.


# Install all need dependencies
npm install --save @nestjs/serve-static dotenv wait-on

# After installing the packages, the generated Prisma clients are deleted, so you need to run their generation again
npm i && npm run generate
Вывод консоли
npm install --save @nestjs/serve-static dotenv wait-on

added 3 packages, and audited 2770 packages in 11s

331 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

18 vulnerabilities (6 moderate, 12 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

2. Добавляем модуль для подключения статики в NestJS-приложение

Приложение NestJS-mod имеет специальную секцию для подключения такого вида модулей Core-модули, но на данном этапе для упрощения понимания такие глобальные вещи будут подключатся на уровне AppModule.

Обновленный файл apps/server/src/app/app.module.ts

import { createNestModule, NestModuleCategory } from '@nestjs-mod/common';

import { PrismaModule } from '@nestjs-mod/prisma';
import { ServeStaticModule } from '@nestjs/serve-static';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { join } from 'path';

export const { AppModule } = createNestModule({
  moduleName: 'AppModule',
  moduleCategory: NestModuleCategory.feature,
  imports: [
    PrismaModule.forFeature({ featureModuleName: 'app' }),
      rootPath: join(__dirname, 'assets', 'client'),
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],

3. Добавляем новый конфигурационный файл PM2 для запуска собранного бэкенд и фронтенд приложения

Приложение будет только одно, так как статика фронтенд-приложения ложится рядом с собранным бэкенд-приложением.

Создаем файл ecosystem-prod.config.json

  "apps": [
      "name": "nestjs-mod-fullstack",
      "script": "node dist/apps/server/main.js",
      "node_args": "-r dotenv/config"

4. Добавляем новые скрипты и обновляем существующие

Скриптов получается очень много, но они все нужны для различных режимов запуска приложений.

Группы схожих по области применения скриптов объединены в некий заголовок _____group name_____.

Обновляем секцию с скриптами в файле package.json

  "scripts": {
    "_____pm2-full dev infra_____": "_____pm2-full dev infra_____",
    "pm2-full:dev:start": "npm run generate && npm run docker-compose:start-prod:server && npm run db:create && npm run flyway:migrate && npm run pm2:dev:start",
    "pm2-full:dev:stop": "npm run docker-compose:stop-prod:server && npm run pm2:dev:stop",
    "_____dev infra_____": "_____dev infra_____",
    "serve:dev": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=serve",
    "serve:dev:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx serve server --host=",
    "_____pm2 dev infra_____": "_____pm2 dev infra_____",
    "pm2:dev:start": "./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ./ecosystem.config.json && npm run wait-on -- --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:4200",
    "pm2:dev:stop": "./node_modules/.bin/pm2 delete all",
    "_____pm2-full prod infra_____": "_____pm2-full prod infra_____",
    "pm2-full:prod:start": "npm run generate && npm run build -- -c production && npm run copy-front-to-backend && npm run docker-compose:start-prod:server && npm run db:create && npm run flyway:migrate && npm run pm2:start",
    "pm2-full:prod:stop": "npm run docker-compose:stop-prod:server && npm run pm2:stop",
    "_____prod infra_____": "_____prod infra_____",
    "start": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=start",
    "build": "npm run generate && npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=build --skip-nx-cache=true",
    "start:prod:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx start server",
    "_____pm2 prod infra_____": "_____pm2 prod infra_____",
    "pm2:start": "./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ./ecosystem-prod.config.json && npm run wait-on -- --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:3000",
    "pm2:stop": "./node_modules/.bin/pm2 delete all",
    "_____docker-compose-full prod infra_____": "_____docker-compose-full prod infra_____",
    "docker-compose-full:prod:start": "npm run generate && npm run build -- -c production && npm run docker:build:server:latest && export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./.docker/docker-compose-full.yml --env-file ./.docker/docker-compose-full.env --compatibility up -d",
    "docker-compose-full:prod:stop": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./.docker/docker-compose-full.yml --env-file ./.docker/docker-compose-full.env --compatibility down",
    "docker-compose-full:prod:only-start": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./.docker/docker-compose-full.yml --env-file ./.docker/docker-compose-full.env --compatibility up -d",
    "docker-compose-full:prod:test:e2e": "export BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 && npm run test:e2e",
    "_____docs_____": "_____docs_____",
    "docs:infrastructure": "export NESTJS_MODE=infrastructure && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source,client* --all -t=serve --parallel=1 -- --watch=false --inspect=false",
    "_____docker-compose infra_____": "_____docker-compose infra_____",
    "docker-compose:start:server": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose.yml --compatibility up -d",
    "docker-compose:stop:server": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose.yml down",
    "_____docker-compose prod-infra_____": "_____docker-compose prod-infra_____",
    "docker-compose:start-prod:server": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env --compatibility up -d",
    "docker-compose:stop-prod:server": "export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env down",
    "_____docker_____": "_____docker_____",
    "docker:build:server:latest": "docker build -t nestjs-mod-fullstack-server:latest -f ./.docker/server.Dockerfile . --progress=plain",
    "_____tests_____": "_____tests_____",
    "test": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=test --skip-nx-cache=true --passWithNoTests --output-style=stream-without-prefixes",
    "test:e2e": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=e2e --skip-nx-cache=true --output-style=stream-without-prefixes",
    "test:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx test server --skip-nx-cache=true --passWithNoTests --output-style=stream-without-prefixes",
    "_____lint_____": "_____lint_____",
    "lint": "npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint",
    "lint:fix": "npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint --fix",
    "tsc:lint": "./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json",
    "_____db_____": "_____db_____",
    "db:create": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=db-create",
    "_____flyway_____": "_____flyway_____",
    "flyway:create:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run server:flyway-create-migration",
    "flyway:migrate:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run server:flyway-migrate",
    "flyway:migrate": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=flyway-migrate",
    "_____prisma_____": "_____prisma_____",
    "prisma:pull:server": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run server:prisma-pull",
    "prisma:pull": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=prisma-pull",
    "prisma:generate": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=prisma-generate",
    "_____utils_____": "_____utils_____",
    "copy-front-to-backend": "rm -rf dist/apps/server/assets/client && cp -r dist/apps/client/browser dist/apps/server/assets/client",
    "generate": "./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=generate --skip-nx-cache=true && npm run make-ts-list && npm run lint:fix",
    "tsc": "tsc",
    "nx": "nx",
    "dep-graph": "./node_modules/.bin/nx dep-graph",
    "make-ts-list": "./node_modules/.bin/rucken make-ts-list",
    "manual:prepare": "npm run generate && npm run docs:infrastructure && npm run test",
    "update:nestjs-mod-versions": "npx -y npm-check-updates @nestjs-mod/* nestjs-mod -u",
    "rucken": "rucken",
    "wait-on": "./node_modules/.bin/wait-on --timeout=240000 --interval=1000 --window --verbose"
  "scriptsComments": {
    "pm2-full:dev:start": ["Запуск инфраструктуры и всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2"],
    "pm2-full:dev:stop": ["Остановка инфраструктуры и всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2"],
    "pm2:dev:start": ["Запуск всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2"],
    "pm2:dev:stop": ["Остановка всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2"],
    "pm2-full:prod:start": ["Запуск инфраструктуры и сборка всех приложений с последующим запуском их через PM2"],
    "pm2-full:prod:stop": ["Остановка инфраструктуры и всех приложений запущенных через PM2"],
    "test:e2e": ["Запуск E2E-тестов для всех пприложений"],
    "copy-dist-front-to-dist-backend": ["Копирование собранного фронтенд приложения в собранный бэкенд"],
    "wait-on": ["Утилита для проверки и ожидания доступности сайта"],
    "docker-compose-full:prod:start": ["Билд и запуск Docker Compose инфраструктуры с бэкендом в виде Docker контейнера и статикой фронтенда отдающуюся через Nginx"],
    "docker-compose-full:prod:stop": ["Остановка Docker Compose инфраструктуры и всех приложений"],
    "docker-compose-full:prod:only-start": ["Запуск Docker Compose инфраструктуры с бэкендом в виде Docker контейнера и статикой фронтенда отдающуюся через Nginx"],
    "docker-compose-full:prod:test:e2e": ["Запуск E2E-тестов на приложение запущенное через Docker Compose"],
    "docker:build:server:latest": ["Сборка Docker образа бэкенда"]

Описания новых скриптов




Запуск инфраструктуры и всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2


Остановка инфраструктуры и всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2


Запуск всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2


Остановка всех приложений в режиме watch через PM2


Запуск инфраструктуры и сборка всех приложений с последующим запуском их через PM2


Остановка инфраструктуры и всех приложений запущенных через PM2


Запуск E2E-тестов для всех пприложений


Копирование собранного фронтенд приложения в собранный бэкенд


Утилита для проверки и ожидания доступности сайта


Билд и запуск "Docker Compose" инфраструктуры с бэкендом в виде Docker контейнера и статикой фронтенда отдающуюся через Nginx


Остановка "Docker Compose" инфраструктуры и всех приложений


Запуск "Docker Compose" инфраструктуры с бэкендом в виде Docker контейнера и статикой фронтенда отдающуюся через Nginx


Запуск E2E-тестов на приложение запущенное через "Docker Compose"


Сборка Docker образа бэкенда

5. Прогоняем юнит-тесты, затем запускаем всю инфраструктуру со всеми приложениями в watch-режиме и прогоняем E2E-тесты


npm run test
npm run pm2-full:dev:start
npm run test:e2e
Вывод консоли
$ npm run test

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 test
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=test --skip-nx-cache=true --passWithNoTests --output-style=stream-without-prefixes

> nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run app-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run client:test --passWithNoTests

 NX   Running target test for 4 projects
   ✔  nx run app-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects
   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

      With additional flags:

   ✔  nx run client:test (5s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

   ✔  nx run server:test (4s)


 NX   Successfully ran target test for 4 projects (6s)

      With additional flags:

$ npm run pm2-full:dev:start

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2-full:dev:start
> npm run generate && npm run docker-compose:start-prod:server && npm run db:create && npm run flyway:migrate && npm run pm2:dev:start

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 generate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=generate --skip-nx-cache=true && npm run make-ts-list && npm run lint:fix

   ✔  nx run server:generate (13s)


 NX   Successfully ran target generate for project server (13s)

 NX   Nx detected a flaky task


Flaky tasks can disrupt your CI pipeline. Automatically retry them with Nx Cloud. Learn more at https://nx.dev/ci/features/flaky-tasks

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 make-ts-list
> ./node_modules/.bin/rucken make-ts-list

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 lint:fix
> npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint --fix

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 tsc:lint
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json

   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run client:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server:lint (1s)


 NX   Successfully ran target lint for 4 projects (1s)

      With additional flags:

Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 3 out of 4 tasks.

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docker-compose:start-prod:server
> export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env --compatibility up -d

server-postgre-sql is up-to-date

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 db:create
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=db-create

   ✔  nx run server:db-create (746ms)


 NX   Successfully ran target db-create for project server (775ms)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 flyway:migrate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=flyway-migrate

   ✔  nx run server:flyway-migrate (1s)


 NX   Successfully ran target flyway-migrate for project server (2s)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2:dev:start
> ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ./ecosystem.config.json && npm run wait-on -- --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:4200

[PM2][WARN] Applications server, client not running, starting...
[PM2] App [server] launched (1 instances)
[PM2] App [client] launched (1 instances)
│ id │ name      │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 1  │ client    │ default     │ N/A     │ fork    │ 175791   │ 0s     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 13.1mb   │ endy     │ disabled │
│ 0  │ server    │ default     │ N/A     │ fork    │ 175790   │ 0s     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 18.7mb   │ endy     │ disabled │

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 wait-on
> ./node_modules/.bin/wait-on --timeout=240000 --interval=1000 --window --verbose --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:4200

waiting for 2 resources: http://localhost:3000/api/health, http://localhost:4200
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:4200 Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:4200 Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
  HTTP(S) result for http://localhost:3000/api/health: {
  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {
    'x-powered-by': 'Express',
    vary: 'Origin',
    'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
    'x-request-id': '72cc7a93-98b5-4e60-8c4e-65e9458385bf',
    'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
    'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    'content-length': '107',
    etag: 'W/"6b-ouXVoNOXyOxnMfI7caewF8/p97A"',
    date: 'Sat, 17 Aug 2024 04:02:41 GMT',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'keep-alive': 'timeout=5'
  data: ''
waiting for 1 resources: http://localhost:4200
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:4200 ...
  HTTP(S) result for http://localhost:4200: {
  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {
    'x-powered-by': 'Express',
    'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
    'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'content-length': '586',
    date: 'Sat, 17 Aug 2024 04:02:42 GMT',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'keep-alive': 'timeout=5'
  data: ''
wait-on(175826) complete

$ npm run test:e2e

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 test:e2e
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=e2e --skip-nx-cache=true --output-style=stream-without-prefixes

> nx run client-e2e:e2e

> playwright test

 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

   →  Executing 1/3 remaining tasks...

   ⠧  nx run client-e2e:e2e
   ✔  nx run client-e2e:e2e (7s)


   ✔  nx run server:build:production (3s)



 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

   →  Executing 1/1 remaining tasks...

   ⠧  nx run server-e2e:e2e

   ✔  2/2 succeeded [0 read from cache]

 PASS   server-e2e  apps/server-e2e/src/server/server.spec.ts
  GET /api
    ✓ should return a message (28 ms)
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:e2e (2s)


 NX   Successfully ran target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on (12s)

6. Останавливаем всю инфраструктуру со всеми приложениями в watch-режиме


npm run pm2-full:dev:stop
Вывод консоли
$  npm run pm2-full:dev:stop

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2-full:dev:stop
> npm run docker-compose:stop-prod:server && npm run pm2:dev:stop

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docker-compose:stop-prod:server
> export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env down

Stopping server-postgre-sql ... done
Removing server-postgre-sql ... done
Removing network server_server-network

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2:dev:stop
> ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 delete all

[PM2] Applying action deleteProcessId on app [all](ids: [ 0, 1 ])
[PM2] [client](1) ✓
[PM2] [server](0) ✓
│ id │ name      │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │

7. Прогоняем юнит-тесты, затем запускаем всю инфраструктуру со всеми приложениями через PM2 в собранном режиме и прогоняем E2E-тесты


npm run test
npm run pm2-full:prod:start
npm run test:e2e
Вывод консоли
$ npm run test

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 test
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=test --skip-nx-cache=true --passWithNoTests --output-style=stream-without-prefixes

> nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run app-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run client:test --passWithNoTests

 NX   Running target test for 4 projects
   ✔  nx run app-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects
   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

      With additional flags:

   ✔  nx run client:test (5s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

   ✔  nx run server:test (4s)


 NX   Successfully ran target test for 4 projects (6s)

      With additional flags:

$ npm run pm2-full:prod:start

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2-full:prod:start
> npm run generate && npm run build -- -c production && npm run copy-front-to-backend && npm run docker-compose:start-prod:server && npm run db:create && npm run flyway:migrate && npm run pm2:start

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 generate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=generate --skip-nx-cache=true && npm run make-ts-list && npm run lint:fix

   ✔  nx run server:generate (12s)


 NX   Successfully ran target generate for project server (12s)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 make-ts-list
> ./node_modules/.bin/rucken make-ts-list

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 lint:fix
> npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint --fix

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 tsc:lint
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json

   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run client:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]


 NX   Successfully ran target lint for 4 projects (110ms)

      With additional flags:

Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 4 out of 4 tasks.

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 build
> npm run generate && npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=build --skip-nx-cache=true -c production

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 generate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=generate --skip-nx-cache=true && npm run make-ts-list && npm run lint:fix

   ✔  nx run server:generate (12s)


 NX   Successfully ran target generate for project server (12s)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 make-ts-list
> ./node_modules/.bin/rucken make-ts-list

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 lint:fix
> npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint --fix

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 tsc:lint
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json

   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run client:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]


 NX   Successfully ran target lint for 4 projects (113ms)

      With additional flags:

Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 4 out of 4 tasks.

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 tsc:lint
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json

   ✔  nx run app-rest-sdk:build (2s)
   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:build:production (2s)
   ✔  nx run server:build:production (4s)
   ✔  nx run client:build:production (5s)


 NX   Successfully ran target build for 4 projects (7s)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 copy-front-to-backend
> rm -rf dist/apps/server/assets/client && cp -r dist/apps/client/browser dist/apps/server/assets/client

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docker-compose:start-prod:server
> export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env --compatibility up -d

Creating network "server_server-network" with driver "bridge"
Creating server-postgre-sql ... done

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 db:create
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=db-create

   ✔  nx run server:db-create (733ms)


 NX   Successfully ran target db-create for project server (763ms)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 flyway:migrate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=flyway-migrate

   ✔  nx run server:flyway-migrate (1s)


 NX   Successfully ran target flyway-migrate for project server (1s)

 NX   Nx detected a flaky task


Flaky tasks can disrupt your CI pipeline. Automatically retry them with Nx Cloud. Learn more at https://nx.dev/ci/features/flaky-tasks

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2:start
> ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ./ecosystem-prod.config.json && npm run wait-on -- --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:3000

>>>> In-memory PM2 is out-of-date, do:
>>>> $ pm2 update
In memory PM2 version: 3.1.3
Local PM2 version: 5.4.2

[PM2][WARN] Applications nestjs-mod-fullstack not running, starting...
[PM2] App [nestjs-mod-fullstack] launched (1 instances)
│ id │ name                    │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0  │ nestjs-mod-fullstack    │ default     │ N/A     │ fork    │ 106436   │ 0s     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 11.6mb   │ endy     │ disabled │

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 wait-on
> ./node_modules/.bin/wait-on --timeout=240000 --interval=1000 --window --verbose --log http://localhost:3000/api/health --log http://localhost:3000

waiting for 2 resources: http://localhost:3000/api/health, http://localhost:3000
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000 ...
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000/api/health Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
  HTTP(S) error for http://localhost:3000 Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000/api/health ...
making HTTP(S) head request to  url:http://localhost:3000 ...
  HTTP(S) result for http://localhost:3000/api/health: {
  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {
    'x-powered-by': 'Express',
    vary: 'Origin',
    'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
    'x-request-id': '011863a0-2444-40d4-a012-93c3dd9d3d96',
    'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
    'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    'content-length': '107',
    etag: 'W/"6b-ouXVoNOXyOxnMfI7caewF8/p97A"',
    date: 'Tue, 20 Aug 2024 06:04:02 GMT',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'keep-alive': 'timeout=5'
  data: ''
waiting for 1 resources: http://localhost:3000
  HTTP(S) result for http://localhost:3000: {
  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  headers: Object [AxiosHeaders] {
    'x-powered-by': 'Express',
    vary: 'Origin',
    'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
    'accept-ranges': 'bytes',
    'cache-control': 'public, max-age=0',
    'last-modified': 'Tue, 20 Aug 2024 06:03:56 GMT',
    etag: 'W/"8e8-1916e62868f"',
    'content-type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    'content-length': '2280',
    date: 'Tue, 20 Aug 2024 06:04:02 GMT',
    connection: 'keep-alive',
    'keep-alive': 'timeout=5'
  data: ''
wait-on(106462) complete

$ npm run test:e2e

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 test:e2e
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=e2e --skip-nx-cache=true --output-style=stream-without-prefixes

> nx run client-e2e:e2e

> playwright test

 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

   →  Executing 1/3 remaining tasks...

   ⠼  nx run client-e2e:e2e
   ✔  nx run client-e2e:e2e (13s)


   ✔  nx run server:build:production (3s)



 NX   Running target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on

   →  Executing 1/1 remaining tasks...

   ⠦  nx run server-e2e:e2e

   ✔  2/2 succeeded [0 read from cache]

 PASS   server-e2e  apps/server-e2e/src/server/server.spec.ts
  GET /api
    ✓ should return a message (27 ms)
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:e2e (2s)


 NX   Successfully ran target e2e for 2 projects and 1 task they depend on (18s)

8. Останавливаем всю инфраструктуру и все собранные и запущенные через PM2 приложения


npm run pm2-full:prod:stop
Вывод консоли
$  npm run pm2-full:prod:stop

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2-full:prod:stop
> npm run docker-compose:stop-prod:server && npm run pm2:stop

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docker-compose:stop-prod:server
> export COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI=1 && docker-compose -f ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.yml --env-file ./apps/server/docker-compose-prod.env down

Stopping server-postgre-sql ... done
Removing server-postgre-sql ... done
Removing network server_server-network

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 pm2:stop
> ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 delete all

[PM2] Applying action deleteProcessId on app [all](ids: [ 0 ])
[PM2] [nestjs-mod-fullstack](0) ✓
│ id │ name      │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │

9. Добавляем Docker-файл который собрет образ с запущенным бэкендом

Сборка происходит в несколько этапов:

  1. Устанавливаем только dependencies

  2. Ставим devDependencies необходимые для генерации дополнительного кода и пакетов

  3. Генерируем СДК для Prisma

  4. Удаляем лишние пакеты из node_modules

  5. Копируем node_modules и приложения в новый чистый образ

Создаем файл .docker/server.Dockerfile

FROM node:20.16.0-alpine AS builder
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
# To work as a PID 1
RUN apk add dumb-init
# Remove dev dependencies
RUN apk add jq
RUN echo $(cat package.json | jq 'del(.devDependencies)') > package.json
# Removing unnecessary settings
RUN rm -rf nx.json package-lock.json .dockerignore && \
    # Replacing the settings
    cp .docker/nx.json nx.json && \
    cp .docker/.dockerignore .dockerignore && \
    # Install dependencies
    npm install && \
    # Installing utilities to generate additional files
    npm install --save-dev nx@19.5.3 prisma@5.18.0 prisma-class-generator@0.2.11 && \
    # Some utilities require a ".env" file
    echo '' > .env && \
    # Generating additional code
    npm run prisma:generate && \
    # Remove unnecessary packages
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@nx && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@prisma-class-generator && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@angular  && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@swc  && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@babel  && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@angular-devkit && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@ngneat && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@types && \
    rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@ng-packagr

FROM node:20.16.0-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy all project files
COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/ /usr/src/app/
# Copy utility for "To work as a PID 1"
COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/dumb-init /usr/bin/dumb-init
# Set server port
# Share port
# Run server
CMD ["dumb-init","node", "dist/apps/server/main.js"]

10. Собираем образ бэкенда

Скрипт для запуска сборки описан в package.json, так как у нас всего лишь одно приложение которое может собираться в Docker-образ, в дальнейшем после появление новых Docker-приложений команда сборки образа уйдет в project.json


npm run docker:build:server:latest
Вывод консоли
$ npm run docker:build:server:latest

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docker:build:server:latest
> docker build -t nestjs-mod-fullstack-server:latest -f ./.docker/server.Dockerfile . --progress=plain

#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver

#1 [internal] load build definition from server.Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 1.65kB done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [internal] load .dockerignore
#2 transferring context: 79B done
#2 DONE 0.0s

#3 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/node:20.16.0-alpine
#3 DONE 2.7s

#4 [internal] load build context
#4 transferring context: 7.08MB 0.1s done
#4 DONE 0.1s

#5 [builder 1/7] FROM docker.io/library/node:20.16.0-alpine@sha256:eb8101caae9ac02229bd64c024919fe3d4504ff7f329da79ca60a04db08cef52
#5 resolve docker.io/library/node:20.16.0-alpine@sha256:eb8101caae9ac02229bd64c024919fe3d4504ff7f329da79ca60a04db08cef52 done
#5 sha256:e2997a3fdff8b88aee369a7de727d89bff21c0e2927d7c0487dbbaab6eaf8f14 6.38kB / 6.38kB done
#5 sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 0B / 3.62MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 0B / 42.24MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:0150f131fd2fb613a281e43d320d5772ad190446bcbb177a28f53838f53fdd3c 0B / 1.39MB 0.1s
#5 sha256:eb8101caae9ac02229bd64c024919fe3d4504ff7f329da79ca60a04db08cef52 7.67kB / 7.67kB done
#5 sha256:375518d70893d14665b99393079e77bd4947884f123a66ade28744eb8340d229 1.72kB / 1.72kB done
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 3.15MB / 42.24MB 0.7s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 7.34MB / 42.24MB 1.1s
#5 sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 1.05MB / 3.62MB 1.3s
#5 sha256:0150f131fd2fb613a281e43d320d5772ad190446bcbb177a28f53838f53fdd3c 1.05MB / 1.39MB 1.4s
#5 sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 2.10MB / 3.62MB 1.6s
#5 sha256:0150f131fd2fb613a281e43d320d5772ad190446bcbb177a28f53838f53fdd3c 1.39MB / 1.39MB 1.5s done
#5 sha256:c0ce3bd8f30377d0ed394d1177e5009ffc3f6907a980562779583174e8b04acc 0B / 446B 1.6s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 10.49MB / 42.24MB 1.7s
#5 sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 3.15MB / 3.62MB 1.8s
#5 extracting sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6
#5 sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 3.62MB / 3.62MB 1.8s done
#5 extracting sha256:c6a83fedfae6ed8a4f5f7cbb6a7b6f1c1ec3d86fea8cb9e5ba2e5e6673fde9f6 0.1s done
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 14.68MB / 42.24MB 2.1s
#5 sha256:c0ce3bd8f30377d0ed394d1177e5009ffc3f6907a980562779583174e8b04acc 446B / 446B 2.0s done
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 17.83MB / 42.24MB 2.4s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 20.97MB / 42.24MB 2.6s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 24.12MB / 42.24MB 2.9s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 28.31MB / 42.24MB 3.3s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 32.51MB / 42.24MB 3.6s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 35.65MB / 42.24MB 3.9s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 39.85MB / 42.24MB 4.2s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 42.24MB / 42.24MB 4.4s
#5 sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 42.24MB / 42.24MB 4.4s done
#5 extracting sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 0.1s
#5 extracting sha256:d9aac50bc34e2a0199701ebddca85c36acd90c4d1ad915ca0849364c41547d70 1.4s done
#5 extracting sha256:0150f131fd2fb613a281e43d320d5772ad190446bcbb177a28f53838f53fdd3c 0.0s done
#5 extracting sha256:c0ce3bd8f30377d0ed394d1177e5009ffc3f6907a980562779583174e8b04acc done
#5 DONE 6.0s

#6 [builder 2/7] WORKDIR /usr/src/app
#6 DONE 0.2s

#7 [builder 3/7] COPY . .
#7 DONE 0.0s

#8 [builder 4/7] RUN apk add dumb-init
#8 0.175 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.20/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
#8 0.739 fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.20/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
#8 1.241 (1/1) Installing dumb-init (1.2.5-r3)
#8 1.292 Executing busybox-1.36.1-r29.trigger
#8 1.298 OK: 11 MiB in 17 packages
#8 DONE 1.4s

#9 [builder 5/7] RUN apk add jq
#9 0.504 (1/2) Installing oniguruma (6.9.9-r0)
#9 1.036 (2/2) Installing jq (1.7.1-r0)
#9 1.178 Executing busybox-1.36.1-r29.trigger
#9 1.183 OK: 12 MiB in 19 packages
#9 DONE 1.3s

#10 [builder 6/7] RUN echo $(cat package.json | jq 'del(.devDependencies)') > package.json
#10 DONE 0.3s

#11 [builder 7/7] RUN rm -rf nx.json package-lock.json .dockerignore &&     cp .docker/nx.json nx.json &&     cp .docker/.dockerignore .dockerignore &&     npm install &&     npm install --save-dev nx@19.5.3 prisma@5.18.0 prisma-class-generator@0.2.11 &&     echo '' > .env &&     npm run prisma:generate &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@nx &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@prisma-class-generator &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@angular  &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@swc  &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@babel  &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@angular-devkit &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@ngneat &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@types &&     rm -rf /usr/src/app/node_modules/@ng-packagr
#11 51.71
#11 51.71 added 408 packages, and audited 409 packages in 51s
#11 51.72
#11 51.72 53 packages are looking for funding
#11 51.72   run `npm fund` for details
#11 51.72
#11 51.72 1 moderate severity vulnerability
#11 51.72
#11 51.72 To address all issues, run:
#11 51.72   npm audit fix --force
#11 51.72
#11 51.72 Run `npm audit` for details.
#11 51.72 npm notice
#11 51.72 npm notice New patch version of npm available! 10.8.1 -> 10.8.2
#11 51.72 npm notice Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.8.2
#11 51.72 npm notice To update run: npm install -g npm@10.8.2
#11 51.72 npm notice
#11 67.47
#11 67.47 added 106 packages, and audited 515 packages in 16s
#11 67.47
#11 67.47 66 packages are looking for funding
#11 67.47   run `npm fund` for details
#11 67.47
#11 67.47 1 moderate severity vulnerability
#11 67.47
#11 67.47 To address all issues, run:
#11 67.47   npm audit fix --force
#11 67.47
#11 67.47 Run `npm audit` for details.
#11 67.64
#11 67.64 > @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 prisma:generate
#11 67.64 > ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many -t=prisma-generate
#11 67.64
#11 68.24
#11 68.24  NX   Running target prisma-generate for project server:
#11 68.24
#11 68.24 - server
#11 68.24
#11 68.24
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 > nx run server:prisma-generate
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 > ./node_modules/.bin/prisma generate --schema=./apps/server/src/prisma/app-schema.prisma
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 Environment variables loaded from .env
#11 71.85 Prisma schema loaded from apps/server/src/prisma/app-schema.prisma
#11 71.85 prisma:info [Prisma Class Generator]:Handler Registered.
#11 71.85 prisma:info [Prisma Class Generator]:Generate /usr/src/app/apps/server/src/app/generated/rest/dto/app_demo.ts
#11 71.85 prisma:info [Prisma Class Generator]:Generate /usr/src/app/apps/server/src/app/generated/rest/dto/migrations.ts
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 ✔ Generated Prisma Client (v5.18.0, engine=binary) to ./node_modules/@prisma/app-client in 81ms
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 ✔ Generated Prisma Class Generator to ./apps/server/src/app/generated/rest/dto in 92ms
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 Start by importing your Prisma Client (See: http://pris.ly/d/importing-client)
#11 71.85
#11 71.85 Tip: Want to react to database changes in your app as they happen? Discover how with Pulse: https://pris.ly/tip-1-pulse
#11 71.85
#11 71.85
#11 71.85
#11 71.85
#11 71.85  NX   Successfully ran target prisma-generate for project server
#11 71.85
#11 71.85
#11 DONE 72.5s

#12 [stage-1 3/4] COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/ /usr/src/app/
#12 DONE 2.1s

#13 [stage-1 4/4] COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/dumb-init /usr/bin/dumb-init
#13 DONE 0.0s

#14 exporting to image
#14 exporting layers
#14 exporting layers 1.7s done
#14 writing image sha256:96ba78126a32f2aaa3cdf6a793ad2adbee5077adb7dcded7ca3cef270d68fbfe
#14 writing image sha256:96ba78126a32f2aaa3cdf6a793ad2adbee5077adb7dcded7ca3cef270d68fbfe done
#14 naming to docker.io/library/nestjs-mod-fullstack-server:latest done
#14 DONE 1.7s

11. Добавляем Nginx-кофиг файл для работы с фронтенд и бэкенд через единую точку входа

Тут используется типовой конфиг который я обычно использую в своих проектах, в интернете можно найти и другие варианты.

Создаем файл .docker/nginx/nginx.conf

map $sent_http_content_type $expires {
    "text/html" epoch;
    "text/html; charset=utf-8" epoch;
    default off;

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    '' close;

upstream nestjs-mod-fullstack-server {
    server nestjs-mod-fullstack-server:8080;

server {
    listen 8080;
    server_name localhost;

    gzip on;
    gzip_proxied any;
    gzip_types text/plain application/xml text/css application/javascript application/json;
    gzip_min_length 1000;
    gzip_vary on;
    gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.(?!.*SV1)";

    client_max_body_size 50m;
    proxy_connect_timeout 5m;
    proxy_send_timeout 5m;
    proxy_read_timeout 5m;
    send_timeout 5m;

    proxy_max_temp_file_size 0;

    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html;

    location /api {
        proxy_pass http://nestjs-mod-fullstack-server;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header Origin $http_origin;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

        # kill cache
        add_header Last-Modified $date_gmt;
        add_header Cache-Control 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';
        if_modified_since off;
        expires off;
        etag off;

    location / {
        expires $expires;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header Origin $http_origin;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_read_timeout 1m;
        proxy_connect_timeout 1m;
        proxy_intercept_errors on;
        error_page 404 =200 /index.html;
        root /usr/share/nginx/html;

12. Добавляем новый "Docker Compose"-файл с одной точкой входа который запустит инфраструктуру и все приложения

В данный момент запустится 3 контейнера:

  1. Сервер базы данных

  2. Контейнер для создания баз данных приложений и наполнения их через миграции приложений

  3. Бэкенд-приложение

  4. Nginx с собранными файлами фронтенда для маршрутизации запросов на бэкенд

Создаем файл .docker/docker-compose-full.yml

version: '3'
    driver: 'bridge'
    image: 'bitnami/postgresql:15.5.0'
    container_name: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-postgre-sql'
      - 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-network'
      - 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-postgre-sql-volume:/bitnami/postgresql'
      - '5432:5432'
        - 'CMD-SHELL'
        - 'pg_isready -U postgres'
      interval: '5s'
      timeout: '5s'
      retries: 5
    tty: true
    restart: 'always'
    image: 'node:20-bullseye-slim'
    container_name: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-postgre-sql-migrations'
      - 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-network'
    working_dir: '/app'
      - './../:/app'
    command: 'npm run db:create && npm run flyway:migrate'
    tty: true
      NX_SKIP_NX_CACHE: 'true'
        condition: 'service_healthy'
    image: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-server:latest'
    container_name: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-server'
      - 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-network'
      test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'npx -y wait-on --timeout= --interval=1000 --window --verbose --log http://localhost:8080/api/health']
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 10
    tty: true
    restart: 'always'
        condition: service_healthy
        condition: service_completed_successfully
    image: nginx:alpine
    container_name: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-nginx'
      - 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-network'
      - ../.docker/nginx:/etc/nginx/conf.d
      - ../dist/apps/client/browser:/usr/share/nginx/html
        condition: service_healthy
      - '8080:8080'
    name: 'nestjs-mod-fullstack-postgre-sql-volume'

13. Создаем новый файл с переменными окружения, где вместо названий серверов с localhost будут стоять имена доккер контейнеров

В данном проекте будет происходить ручное дублирование всех имеющихся переменных из корневого env-файла и подмена названий серверов, в реальном проекте необходимо будет это автоматизировать.

При деплое на выделенный сервер переменный окружения берутся не из файла который лежит внутри репозитория, а из переменных окружения сервера.

Создаем файл .docker/docker-compose-full.env


14. Создаем файл с переменными окружения для watch-режима в Angular-приложении

В данном цикле постов не будут рассматриваться различные стенды с динамическими названиями доменов, так что для каждого варианта стенда достаточно будет создать свой файл с фронтенд переменными окружения и настроить project.json.

Создаем файл apps/client/src/environments/environment.ts

export const serverUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

15. Создаем файл с переменными окружения для продакшен режима в Angular-приложении

Так как фронтенд и бэкенд находятся на одном домене, адрес сервера оставляем пустым и фронтенд будет работать с бэкендом по адресу /api.

Если фронтенд и бэкенд деплоятся на разные домены, то необходимо указать домен и настроить CORS-политики на бэкенде и nginx, в данных постах этот момент опущен для упрощения понимания происходящего.

Создаем файл apps/client/src/environments/environment.prod.ts

export const serverUrl = '';

16. Добавляем правила замены файлов при сборке Angular-приложения в продакшен режиме

Конфиг очень большой, поэтому ниже показываем только то что добавилось.

Добавляем несколько строк в файл apps/client/project.json

  // ...
  "targets": {
    "build": {
      // ...
      "configurations": {
        "production": {
          // ...
          "fileReplacements": [
              "replace": "apps/client/src/environments/environment.ts",
              "with": "apps/client/src/environments/environment.prod.ts"

17. Обновляем конфигурацию Angular-приложения для поддерждки нескольких переменных окружения

Обновляем файл apps/client/src/app/app.config.ts

import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { ApplicationConfig, importProvidersFrom, provideZoneChangeDetection } from '@angular/core';
import { provideClientHydration } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { provideRouter } from '@angular/router';
import { RestClientApiModule, RestClientConfiguration } from '@nestjs-mod-fullstack/app-angular-rest-sdk';
import { appRoutes } from './app.routes';
import { serverUrl } from '../environments/environment';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
    provideZoneChangeDetection({ eventCoalescing: true }),
        () =>
          new RestClientConfiguration({
            basePath: serverUrl,

18. Прогоняем юнит-тесты и запускаем приложения в watch-режиме через PM2 с последующей проверкой приложений через E2E-тесты


npm run test
npm run pm2-full:dev:start
npm run test:e2e
npm run pm2-full:dev:stop

19. Прогоняем юнит-тесты и запускаем приложения в прод-режиме через PM2 с последующей проверкой приложений через E2E-тесты


npm run test
npm run pm2-full:prod:start
npm run test:e2e
npm run pm2-full:prod:stop

20. Меняем настройки E2E-тестов для бэкенда, так как в прод-режиме через "Docker Compose" приложения имеют единую точку входа и порт отличается от того что указан в watch-режиме

Порты специально используются разные в каждом режиме, для того чтобы показать больше различных кейсов при разработке и деплое приложений.

Обновленный файл apps/server-e2e/src/support/test-setup.ts

/* eslint-disable */

import axios from 'axios';

module.exports = async function () {
  // Configure axios for tests to use.
  const host = process.env.HOST ?? 'localhost';
  const port = process.env.PORT ?? '3000';

  axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env['BASE_URL'] || `http://${host}:${port}`;

21. Прогоняем юнит-тесты и запускаем приложения в прод-режиме через "Docker Compose" с последующей проверкой приложений через E2E-тесты


npm run test
npm run docker-compose-full:prod:start
npm run docker-compose-full:prod:test:e2e
npm run docker-compose-full:prod:stop

22. После текущих разработок и перед коммитом, прогоняем все генерации, форматирование кода и прогон юнит-тестов


npm run manual:prepare
Вывод консоли
$ npm run manual:prepare

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 manual:prepare
> npm run generate && npm run docs:infrastructure && npm run test

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 generate
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=generate --skip-nx-cache=true && npm run make-ts-list && npm run lint:fix

   ✔  nx run server:generate (15s)


 NX   Successfully ran target generate for project server (15s)

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 make-ts-list
> ./node_modules/.bin/rucken make-ts-list

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 lint:fix
> npm run tsc:lint && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=lint --fix

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 tsc:lint
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.base.json

   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run client:lint  [existing outputs match the cache, left as is]
   ✔  nx run server-e2e:lint (1s)
   ✔  nx run server:lint (1s)


 NX   Successfully ran target lint for 4 projects (1s)

      With additional flags:

Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 2 out of 4 tasks.

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 docs:infrastructure
> export NESTJS_MODE=infrastructure && ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source,client* --all -t=serve --parallel=1 -- --watch=false --inspect=false

 NX   Running target serve for project server:

- server

With additional flags:


> nx run server:serve:development --watch=false --inspect=false

chunk (runtime: main) main.js (main) 12.5 KiB [entry] [rendered]
webpack compiled successfully (1e208138c6e6150d)
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): Starting Nest application...
    context: "NestFactory"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApp dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): ProjectUtilsSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationInitializerSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationInitializerShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): NestjsPinoLoggerModuleSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): NestjsPinoLoggerModuleShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): TerminusHealthCheckModuleSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListenerSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListenerShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): PrismaModuleSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): AppModuleSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): AppModuleShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): PrismaModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGeneratorSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): Pm2Settings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): Pm2Shared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.908] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposeSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQLSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerCompose dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQL dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQLSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQLShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): FlywaySettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): FlywayShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): PrismaModuleSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): PrismaModuleShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGeneratorSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportStorage dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportStorageSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerCompose dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): FlywaySettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): FlywayShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListenerSettings dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListenerShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposeShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportStorageShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtils dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationInitializer dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListener dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): PrismaModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGenerator dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQL dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): Flyway dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DefaultNestApplicationListener dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): NestjsPinoLoggerModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): TerminusModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): TerminusModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ServeStaticModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): ProjectUtilsShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGeneratorShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): Pm2 dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerCompose dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQL dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): PrismaModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGeneratorShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): Flyway dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): InfrastructureMarkdownReportGenerator dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): LoggerModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): DockerComposePostgreSQLShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): PrismaModuleShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): TerminusHealthCheckModuleShared dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): TerminusHealthCheckModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.909] INFO (163227): AppModule dependencies initialized
    context: "InstanceLoader"
[11:17:23.927] INFO (163227): TerminusHealthCheckController {/api/health}:
    context: "RoutesResolver"
[11:17:23.929] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api/health, GET} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.929] INFO (163227): AppController {/api}:
    context: "RoutesResolver"
[11:17:23.929] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api, GET} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.929] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api/demo, POST} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.929] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api/demo/:id, GET} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.930] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api/demo/:id, DELETE} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.930] INFO (163227): Mapped {/api/demo, GET} route
    context: "RouterExplorer"
[11:17:23.932] INFO (163227): Connected to database!
    context: "PrismaClient"
[11:17:23.964] DEBUG (163227):
    0: "SERVER_ROOT_DATABASE_URL: Description='Connection string for PostgreSQL with root credentials (example: postgres://postgres:postgres_password@localhost:5432/postgres?schema=public, username must be \"postgres\")', Original Name='rootDatabaseUrl'"
    1: "SERVER_PORT: Description='The port on which to run the server.', Default='3000', Original Name='port'"
    2: "SERVER_HOSTNAME: Description='Hostname on which to listen for incoming packets.', Original Name='hostname'"
    3: "SERVER_APP_DATABASE_URL: Description='Connection string for PostgreSQL with module credentials (example: postgres://feat:feat_password@localhost:5432/feat?schema=public)', Original Name='databaseUrl'"
    context: "All application environments"
[11:17:23.997] INFO (163227): Nest application successfully started
    context: "NestApplication"


 NX   Successfully ran target serve for project server

> @nestjs-mod-fullstack/source@0.0.0 test
> ./node_modules/.bin/nx run-many --exclude=@nestjs-mod-fullstack/source --all -t=test --skip-nx-cache=true --passWithNoTests --output-style=stream-without-prefixes

> nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run app-rest-sdk:test --passWithNoTests

> nx run client:test --passWithNoTests

   ✔  nx run app-angular-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects
   ✔  nx run app-rest-sdk:test (2s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

      With additional flags:

   →  Executing 2/2 remaining tasks in parallel...
   ✔  nx run client:test (7s)


 NX   Running target test for 4 projects

   ✔  nx run server:test (5s)


 NX   Successfully ran target test for 4 projects (7s)

      With additional flags:

В следующем посте я добавлю деплой на выделенный сервер в двух режимах PM2 (будет работать на определенном порту) и "Docker Compose" (будет работать на поддомене)...


https://nestjs.com - официальный сайт фреймворка
https://nestjs-mod.com - официальный сайт дополнительных утилит
https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-fullstack - проект из поста
https://github.com/nestjs-mod/nestjs-mod-fullstack/commit/d97b4121e910627e19fa55f01919557ae898dc42 - коммит на текущие изменения

Комментарии (0)