This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide
Oops, I guess we’re full-stack developers now
Frontend in South Korea
Making a Realistic Glass Effect with SVG
video "#PerfMatters Conference 2019"


Figuring out CSS animation properties with a magic kittencorn
Using CSS Custom attributes generated by JavaScript as a handover mechanism
7 Top CSS Trends for 2019
New CSS Features in Firefox 68
How much specificity do @rules have, like @keyframes and @media?
Flexbox and padding
CSS Theme Organization Best Practices


Cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
Writing a Simple MVC App in Plain JavaScript
Here’s How Not to Suck at JavaScript
Svelte: first impressions
JavaScript Promises and Async/Await: As Fast As Possible


New in Chrome 76
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 77)
New CSS Features in Firefox 68

?Thanks for reading! Feel free to send us your articles or fresh useful content you want to see in the next digest.?

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