This week we issue a really huge selection of all the essential news you might have missed on Front-end development. Make sure to check the latest updates on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


The W3C vs. WHATWG war is finally over
Mobile-First Indexing by default for new domains
Getting Started with GraphQL: It’s pretty easy!
How !important are we?
Replacing JavaScript: How eBay made a web app 50x faster by switching programming languages


Utility-first CSS: Ridiculously fast front-end development for almost every design
Using the Grid Shepherd Technique to Order Data with CSS
Understanding CSS Variables
Custom multiline text underline with rounded caps
xstyled — A new way to style components
Why we prefer CSS Custom Properties to SASS variables
The CSS background-image property as an anti-pattern
Using the Grid Shepherd Technique to Order Data with CSS


Announcing TypeScript 3.5
Why I'm still using jQuery in 2019
The Fastest Way to Render the DOM

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