If you've been thinking about learning C#, now is the time to jump in! I've been working on this project for months and I'm happy to announce http://dot.net/videos 

There's nearly a hundred short videos (with more to come!) that will teach you topics like C# 101, .NET, making desktop apps, making ASP.NET web apps, learning containers and Dockers, or even starting with Machine Learning. There's a ton of great, slow-paced beginner videos. Most are less than 10 minutes long and all are organized into Playlists on YouTube!

If you are getting started, I'd recommend starting with these three series in this order — C#, .NET, then ASP.NET. After that, pick the topics that make you the happiest.

If you don't have access to YouTube where you are, all these videos are also on Channel 9 *and* can be downloaded locally via RSS feed! https://channel9.msdn.com/Browse/Series

If you like these, let me know what other topics you'd like us to cover! We are just getting started and already have intermediate and advanced C# classes in the works!

Комментарии (1)

  1. AaZz
    25.12.2019 04:51

    sorry, offtopic

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    Тема — платить в два в десять в сто раз меньше денег
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